Lee County Professional Learning Community Administrators and Instructional Coaches ACLD approved PLU provided by AMSTI
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Why are we here? Building a professional Learning Community (PLC) across the school district. To improve our professional practice. To continue to learn about and practice gathering fine- grained, non-judgmental evidence of student learning.
How committed am I? On a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 being low and 10 being high, consider how committed you are to being fully present in todays sessions
Moodle Sign in and start up with AC-PLC
Meetings Today – August 5, 2013 September 23 or 24, 2013 November 14 or 15, 2013 February 25 or 26, 2014 Instructional Rounds Discussion June 4, 2014
NORMS Cell phones on silent or vibrate Be open to other’s ways of thinking All conversations are confidential This is a “No Griping Zone” Take Bio Breaks as needed
Reflection What was my attitude? How did I approach the task of collecting evidence of what students say and do? Did my attitude change? What did I learn? What conversations do I want to have with teachers about what I saw?
What is Evidence? “By evidence, we mean descriptive statements of what you see … However, not all forms of evidence are equally valuable … So we speak of evidence as having large, medium, or small grain size – that is, being fuzzy or sharp.” - Instructional Rounds p. 92
Sharing Evidence Look over the evidence you collected Choose three pieces to share with your table group. With help from your table group, choose one piece of evidence to share whole group. Each person will write their one piece of evidence on a sentence strip and post it for a Gallery Walk.
Gallery Walk Post evidence Rotate around the room reading all the evidence pieces Take notes about ideas, wonderings and/or questions to discuss back at your table group.
Table Talk Discuss what you read Ideas Wonderings Questions We will share whole group.
Journal What do I want to do differently for the next set of classroom observations? I want the evidence I bring to the next PLC to ……..
Connecting to Conversations What conversations have you had about evidence you have gathered? What conversations would you like to have? Talk to your table group Share whole group
Video Examples Video: 7 th and 8 th grade mathematics class in the middle of a lesson on equations, inequalities and expressions. -video-visits/public-lesson-equations-inequalities- properties/250-equations-inequalities-a-properties- problem-2-part-a? -video-visits/public-lesson-equations-inequalities- properties/250-equations-inequalities-a-properties- problem-2-part-a Watch the Role Play videos and discuss
Develop Conversation Starters Using evidence you gathered and with the help of your table group Develop conversation starters that you will use with teachers or others
Tracking Growth As you continue to do classroom observations Choose three (3) Focus Classrooms Have conversations with the Focus Classroom teachers throughout the year Observe and collect data Oct., Feb, and April Compare/Analyze the data looking for growth
Planning for Tracking Growth Determine which classrooms you will observe. Think about which classrooms your co-workers might observe. Schedule time on your calendar today for observations and conversations.
Record your plans Please fill in the template with what you plan to do. Tape, glue, staple, scan, or upload to your Journal.
Next Steps Continue classroom visits to collect evidence of student learning. Use Conversation Starters with teachers about evidence gathered from observations. “Work” your Growth Tracking Plan.
Exit Slip Things I learned 2 Questions I still have 1 Thing I want to know more about