On–Page SEO Best Tricks and Tips By: ADMEC Multimedia Institute
Introduction Giving a brief explanation about each and every aspect about On-Page SEO. in this presentation you’ll learn tips and tricks which are helpful in increasing a web page rank by ethical ways. Meaning of SEO Types of SEO Best on-page Tips and Tricks for SEO Popular tools for On-Page SEO
What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a strategy to get better ranking to our website. SEO is not a software, which covers up some tools or menus etc. SEO is considered as a necessity for getting top position on search engines.
Types of SEO On the basis of industry usage SEO can be broadly classified as: White Hat SEO Black hat SEO Grey hat SEO
White Hat SEO White Hat SEO is the most ethical form of SEO. This form of SEO is use to increase the page rank of a website in organic search in SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Each and every rules and policies of search engines get obeyed in this process. The main focus is on the uniqueness of the content. SEO experts use some techniques like writing keyword rich content, link building, keyword analysis and backlink building. This SEO technique is the safest way of doing SEO without any risk of getting ban by the search engines.
Black Hat SEO Black Hat SEO is the most unethical way of doing Search Engine Optimization. It breaks all the rules ad policies of search engines. This usually occurs when webmaster want to take their website into a new level, they use some techniques to increase their page rank in the search engine result. It’s an easiest way to increase your page rank by doing stuffs like keyword stuffing, cloaking, invisible text doorway pages, spam pages, etc. However it’s effects are temporary. The search engine can catch anytime that the website is using Black Hat SEO. Every time search engine find such things, it permanently bans that website for practicing unethical deeds.
Grey Hat SEO Most people take Grey Hat SEO as middle ground. In this process, techniques are followed in such a way that few rules of search engine gets obeyed and some are broken. It is mostly done in order to get more traffic. It is not viewed as completely black hat SEO, rather it’s a perfect solution taken by the designers to avoid the situation of getting banned by the search engines.
Best On- Page SEO Tips &Tricks Page Name Domain Name Keyword Density Image Optimization Heading Tags Meta Tags Link Tags Content Robot Meta Tag Title - Points to be Remembered
1. Domain Name The Domain name is very important. There are two main factors for the domain name. Keyword in domain (actionscriptinstitute, graphic-design-institute etc.…) Brand name in domain (ADMEC, Google, Yahoo etc…) First thing if you are targeting any particular keyword, then that keyword can be use in the domain. For example- Before using ActionScript institute is not a brand just a keyword, after use this keyword in the domain, finally you get a brand name with keyword. So you can optimize this keyword easily, because this keyword use in the domain name. If you are planning a brand name like (ADMEC), ADMEC is not a keyword just a name. So you can do it. Using brand name in domain it is not harmful for SEO because search engines like brand because most users like a brand.ADMEC
2. Page Name Page name is really an important factor to take into consideration by the majority of SEO experts. Most web designers create pages like: index.html, about.html, services.html and contact.html and this is absolutely wrong according to SEO. By convention default page must have its name as "index" but other pages we can change to get maximum SEO benefits. We target very important keywords in the page name or URL name for example: about- multimedia-institute.html. Here "about" indicates that this page contains information about a brand while "multimedia institute" is a keyword.
3. Image Optimization In reality search engines do not like images, video or flash. So its is big question that why do you do image optimization in SEO? Ok when we use image in a HTML page with {img src="" / tag (img src="abc-folder/web-image.jpg" alt="web image samples" /)} always remember don't forget alt attribute. Alt attribute is an important tag. Some web designers have a question, why we do use alt? If the image will not display in a browser, that time alt attribute text display given by you. First you should give proper and relevant name to an image. For example if you are giving image name (web header 02.jpg, png or gif) and (web_header_02.jpg, png or gif) this is terrible for SEO, the right way is (web-header.jpg, png or gif). And when any user will search images in search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN etc…), if the keyword has matched your alt attribute than search engines will display your image that time. So as a final point we don't leave blank any alt.
4. Title Officially title tag is not a part of the Meta tag but its use is really very important. All HTML pages have requirement for this tag. This tag is very important and use in the majority as essential keywords inside the tag. You can define 60 to 70 characters with space. The title tag markup looks like: The Title tag provides two benefits, 1st it displays on user's browser and 2nd in search engines results pages.
5. Meta Tags Meta Tags are not a supernatural solution but its help make sure your website. This tag is hidden and presented inside the section. Meta tags can be classified into: Meta Description Meta description tag is main tag according to SEO. It provides a short description of the page in search engines. It is possible if your description matches from that page. Description is a summary of page content, so don't use unnecessary text inside the description. Description length is 120 to 140 characters with space. Keyword Meta Tag This is very useful but usually the major search engines do not use meta keyword for evaluator the text of the page. So you can target best keywords from the page content and use inside the meta keyword. We can use 4 to 6 keywords in this tag.
Robot Meta Tag Robot meta tag an important part of SEO. It consists of two main parts. 1. Robot Meta Tag 2. Robot.txt 1. Robot Meta Tag The Robot meta tag is available inside the session. Robot meta tags of are 4 types. Index, follow()- This is a common robot meta tag widely used by web designers. The basic purpose of this tag is that the spider will index the whole website. The spider will not only index your first web page excluding also other web pages. No index, follow()- We use this meta tag for the spider will not look at this page but crawl through the take a break of pages on your website. Index, no follow()- This means you are telling the spider, that he will not give the impression of being at this page and stop there. No index, no follow()- This robot meta tag will help you if you want to your web page or website, the spider is not look at this page or nighters crawl throughout the rest of pages on your website.
2. Robot.txt We can say about robot.txt is a part of On-Page SEO. This is very helpful, because we want to stop particular some html pages, images and image folder also. That time Robot.txt will help you. This is a very easy way to stop images or html pages. The major search engines (google, yahoo, msn etc…) read robot.txt file. A robot would like to visit the website url for example: It will confirm first and get: User-agent: * Disallow: / "User-agent: *" this section applies all robots and the Disallow: / inform the robot that should visit any pages of the website.
6. Heading Tag Heading tags are very helpful measurements in SEO. There are six heading tags in HTML (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6). The use of heading tags are heading or subheadingSEO according to order of headings. Mostly we use only tree tags (H1, H2 or H3). H1 tag is big tag an HTML. According to HTML and search engines the H1 tag is a very valuable tag. We use H1 tag only one time in an HTML page. Always try to use a keyword inside the H1 tag. If you are using keyword inside the H1 tag, this means you are telling the visitors or search engine spider that text is very important. H2 tag comes on second number position, so we use H2 tag for subheading. H2 tag we can use three to four times in a page. H3 heading tag is use for sub-section of secondary heading. If you are using H3 heading tag, this means represent different subdivisions of content.
7. Link Tags Link title is the most important part of On-Page SEO. It gives following benefits. User Friendly – User friendly means 100% web sites have links. When users come at links, the link title display and link title also help the user what kind of information in this link? Search Engines Friendly – According to SEO link title is compulsory. We use best keyword in the link title. This way is get better keyword density, helpful for optimization time. For Example:{a href="online-training-institute.html" title="best online institutes"} Online Training In this example we have a link like Online Training and create a link or giving link title also. So the benefit is best online institutes this is a keyword who put on the link title tag, search engines like this and defiantly improve your ranking. Finally we will not left any link without the title tag. Every links are important.
8. Content Content is soul of SEO. The role of content is most important because the major search engines love those websites who have best unique content. Content is so essential, as it improves the keyword density. If you add a content using keyword density, the search engines give better response. While writing the content, don't forget using the main keywords or keyword phrase.
9. Keyword Density Keywords plays an important role in SEO. Keyword are the elements which are match against the search strings in search engine result. Keyword selection is an important point to remember, because it helps in the optimization of your webpage. There are many ways which you can use to select an appropriate keyword for your webpage. First do an analysis of keyword which are searched by the users the most in search engine, then go through the keywords your competitors have taken and finally select a keyword which you think describes your website the best.
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