RELIGIONS ChristianityIslam Judaism Buddhism
CHRISTIANITY -They belive Jesus is son of God but Christianity is a monotheistic centered on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in the New Testament. -Its followers, known as Christians believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and the Messiah (Christ) prophesied in the Hebrew Bible -Christians belive beginning of life after dead. Photos
The Gospel The Church Go to religions
ISLAM ----Islam is the name of a religion founded by Muhammad in ancient Arabia in the 7th century. ----People who follow Islam are called Muslims. ----They believe in only one God, That God is called Allah. ----Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet (or messenger) of God. ----Muslims read a holy book called the Qur'an. Photos
The Quran The Mosque Go to religions
JUDAISM -Judaism is a monotheistic religion originating from the codified religious practices of the ancient Israelites. -Based on principles and ethics embodied in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh). -Judaism is among the oldest religious traditions still being practised today, and it is the originator of the Abrahamic religions. Followers of Judaism are called Jews. -While Judaism is open to converts, the Jewish collective is regarded as an ethno-religious group, for reasons derived from the sacred texts that define them as a nation, rather than followers of a faith. In 2007, the world Jewish population was estimated at 13.2 million people, 41% of whom lived in Israel. Photos
The Pentateuch Synagogue Go to religions
BUDDHISM - Buddhism is a family of beliefs and practices considered by most to be a religion. -Buddhism is based on the teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as "The Buddha" (the Awakened One) -Buddhists recognize him as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end their suffering by understanding the true nature of phenomena, thereby escaping the cycle of suffering and rebirth. Buddhism is broadly recognized as being composed of two major branches: Theravada, which has a widespread following in Southeast Asia. Mahayana (including Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren and Vajrayana), found throughout East Asia. Photos
Buddha Go to religions
HUMANISM and RELIGION Humanism rejects deference to supernatural beliefs in resolving human affairs but not necessarily the beliefs themselves; indeed some strains of Humanism are compatible with some religions. It is generally compatible with atheism and agnosticism but doesn't require either of these.
SECULARISM AND ISLAM IN TURKIYE Atatürk’s understanding of secularism is different from the application in other countries. Because, Turkey is the only country which it’s population is Müslim, applies secularism. Also, Turks in their history even before involvement with İslam and after became Müslim, have experienced the secularism in running their countries. The main features of Atatürk’s secularism are: a) freedom of religion, b) not adopting any official religion for state, c) state does not make any differences between religion and sects, d) state constitutions and religious affairs are totally independent from each other. There is not monastic or religious men class.. Because, secularism in Turkey has a vital importance to accommodate reasonable and scientific thought, to wipe out the superstitions and ignorance, to improve the respect for religion, to prevent the usage of religion for malicious purposes, to strengthen the social unity, to prevent the social division which is motivated by religious and denominational differences to increase
MİGRATİON DEPEND UPON THE RELIGION One of the biggest migration in the world is happened between India and Pakistan when these two countries seperated and the Hindus went to India and the Muslims went top in Wİth the foundation of Israel government in 1948 by United Nations a lot of people migrated to this country internally and locally,Jewis from all over the world went to those country. In 1989 Turkish people in Bulgaria were forced to migrants by the government of Bulgaria to Turkiye and thousands of people left to the Turkish border by train.With this event Turkiye experienced the biggest migration after the second world war in three month time during this period people from family came to Turkiye as free migrate.
RELIGIONS OF WORLD AND PROPORTIONS Christianity: 2.14 billion Islam: 1.3 billion Hinduism: 781 million Buddhism: 324 million Sihism: 19 million Judaism: 14 million MAP OF THE RELİGİONS İN THE WORLD
PREPARED BY… Melike Can Öznur Kaya Arda Aksoy Selman Baysal