# x pixels Geometry # Detector elements Detector Element Sizes Array Size Detector Element Sizes # Detector elements Pictorial diagram showing detector # y pixels X dimension size Y dimension size or Buffer (Default = 0) Column Row or Every other # in from left edge Every other # in from top Pictorial diagram showing detector with buffer Pixels per line Lines per scan offset # Spectral pixels/Spectral dimension Default = 0 Set only for pushbroom & whiskbroom Default = 0 Set only for line scanner + buffer Default = 0 Set only for framing array
Optics Geometry Focal length Timing Duty Cycle Default = 0 Set for line scanner and whiskbroom Framing Rate - frames per second – default =0 (set only for Framing array) Line Processing rate - how long does it take to capture 1 line (detector & electronic limited) (one linear ground but all ) Default =0 (set only for Pushbroom and whiskbroom) Scan Rate - default=0 (set only for line scanner)
Radiance Spectral Response Column # thru # Check for detector with no spectral response set Filter (Integrated) Spectrometer Set filter (apply to whole FPA ex: bayer) File (apply to whole FPA) Unique – set number of filters Row # thru # Filter 1, 2, etc File max min center width rectgaussiandelta values Set spectrometer (apply to whole FPA ex:AVIRIS) File (apply to whole FPA) Unique – set number of spectometers Column # thru # Row # thru # Spectrometer 1, 2, etc File max min center width values rectgaussian delta tri Spectral row
Spectral Response Set to zero to simulate dead pixel DistortionFile (apply to whole FPA) Spectral Row Set distortion (apply to whole FPA) Unique Degree of CurvaturePolynomial function Center Shift X direction (allows for geometric distortion) Center Shift Y direction (allows for geometric distortion) None Smile Vignetting Spectral channel Gain Bias
PSFNone Set 1 pixel > 1 pixel declare over sample area Spectrally weightedSpectrally Independent Oversampling NxN Ideal Oversampling (using delta at each center) Using delta at center N x N Oversampling NxN Values Band 1, 2, etc X/Y Separable Radially Symmetric Offset (apply shifted delta) X/Y Separable Radially symmetric X Y gaussian lorentzian gaussian sinc gaussian sinc X Y gaussian lorentzian gaussian sinc gaussian sinc
NoiseNone White noise General System (independent components) Temporally independent Random Spectrally Correlated Input noise correlation matrix Set variances Temporally dependent Column averages (rain) Spatial noise Frame to frame intensity values (flicker) Column averages (vertical lines) Row averages (streaking) Row averages (horizontal lines or banding) System = square root of sum of all variances Random 3D Specify spectral channel Set mean Set variance
Calibration source None Extra pixel locations Extra pixels Place source in scene above ground - next to FPA or in front of FPA Apply statistics from noise Select cal source blackbody, lamp Full frame
Geometry Make instrument Creates Geometry Matrix Saves Geometry file Optics Timing Duty Cycle Calibration Source Calculates and creates Noise matrix Creates Cal files Saves PSF file Saves Cal files MASTER INSTRUMENT /FPA FILE Distortion PSF Noise Spectral Response Calculates & creates Spectral Response Matrix Calculates & creates PSF Matrix Calculate timing Saves Timing file Saves Spectral Response file Creates Distortion Array Applies distortion array to Spectral Response Matrix Saves Noise file
Instrument name Master Instrument File FPA dimensions X Spatial FPA Pixel Response - Distorted (Channel, center width) Pixel 0,1,2, etc PSF (NxN) Noise Channel 0, 1, 2, etc… Y Spatial # Spectral Focal length Spectral Range Offset X/Y Dimensions
Instrument name - WASP Master Instrument File FPA dimensions X Spatial FPA 1 - Terrapix Pixel Response - Distorted (Channel, center width) Pixel 0,1,2, etc PSF (NxN) Noise Channel 0, 1, 2, etc… Y Spatial # Spectral - 0 Focal length m Spectral Range microns Offset - # X/Y Dimensions – m/ m
FPA dimensions X Spatial FPA 2 - SWIR Pixel Response - Distorted (Channel, center width) Pixel 0,1,2, etc PSF (NxN) Noise Channel 0, 1, 2, etc… Y Spatial # Spectral - 0 Focal length m Spectral Range microns Offset - # X/Y Dimensions – m/ m
FPA dimensions X Spatial FPA 3 - MWIR Pixel Response - Distorted (Channel, center width) Pixel 0,1,2, etc PSF (NxN) Noise Channel 0, 1, 2, etc… Y Spatial # Spectral - 0 Focal length m Spectral Range microns Offset - # X/Y Dimensions – m/ m
FPA dimensions X Spatial FPA 4 - LWIR Pixel Response - Distorted (Channel, center width) Pixel 0,1,2, etc PSF (NxN) Noise Channel 0, 1, 2, etc… Y Spatial # Spectral - 0 Focal length m Spectral Range microns Offset - # X/Y Dimensions – m/ m
What kind of platform? How many focal planes? What kind of sensor? How is the image formed? Specific geometric distortion? Spectral Response PSF Noise How high is it? Flight profile Is it moving? x, y, z, r, p, y Jitter? Dead detectors? Jitter? Input optical design? Spectral or spatially correlated? Save out to sensor file that can be modified by parts
What kind of platform? How many focal planes? What kind of sensor? How is the image formed? Airborne Satellite Single channel Multispectral Hyperspectral Is noise introduced from dewars or cooling system? How many sensors on platform, or how many detector arrays? Framing array Line scanner Push-Broom Whiskbroom Specific geometric distortion? Contiguous array Staggered array Scan rate Detector and optic temperature drift L/f induced fixed pattern noise
Equations Read into table that allows user to change for one or all detector elements What region(s)? Bandpass Framing Array What kind of platform? What specular resolution? What spatial resolution? Grating Equation? Spectral Response Functions Altitude GSD Focal Length Data from lab Manually input # Detector elements Detector Element Sizes Array Size Detector Element Sizes # Detector elements GSD IFOV Altitude IFOVLength of array GSD Pictorial diagram showing detector Tabulated Spectral response Graphical display showing detector responses Graphical display showing geometry
# Detector elements Detector Element Sizes # Detector elements Altitude = Detector length = FOV = GSD = Array Size Detector length
Noise Load noise cube Spectrally correlated - user specified length? Mean and variance at various wavelengths Is noise introduced from dewars or cooling system? Detector and optic temperature drift L/f induced fixed pattern noise
Radiance Spectral Response Set filter (apply to whole FPA ex: bayer) Detector Element Sizes Filter (Integrated) or Spectrometer # Detector elements FileUnique