By Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, West Bengal SMS Based Poll Monitoring System for Assembly Election 2016
Guidelines on SMS based poll monitoring Mobile phones of RO, ARO, Sector Officer and Presiding Officer are to be registered with a given mobile number on P-3/P-2/P-1 day. To reflect poll process related data in CEO website and better monitoring at all levels, Presiding Officers must send SMS related to the poll activities in his Polling Station, using prescribed syntax. Presiding Officers should send the SMS on mentioned time and intervals positively.
Presiding Officers should type the syntax of the SMS as prescribed and should not construct their own. Presiding Officers should be careful enough while sending Law & Order related SMS. The Final Voter turn out report is mandatory and turnout data should match the data written on Presiding Officer’s dairy. Sector Officers will be responsible for non-registration of PR/POs and they will ensure registration by P-1 day positively. All will receive confirmation messages after successful registration RO/ARO/SO will receive exception SMS on non-receipt of SMS from the Presiding Officers.
SMS NUMBER Send your SMS in the following mobile no.
POLL Registration ( Poll – 1/2 day ) Registration of Presiding Officer/ Polling Officer 001 P 001 : First 3 digits AC no, P – Presiding/Polling Officer, Last 3 digits Polling Station No
Report on Safe Arrival at Polling Station SAP : SAP – Polling Party Safely Arrived at the Polling station POLL REPORT (P-1/2 day)
POLL Report ( Poll day) Report on Mock Poll Conducted and Attendance of Polling agents MP 04 : MP – Mock poll Conducted, Last 2 digits stand for Total Attendance of Polling agents Report on Poll Started PS : PS – Poll Started
POLL Report ( Poll day) Report on 2 hourly Poll Progress ( 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, & 6 PM ) Example: : Total 649 number of Voters who exercised their votes till a particular time ( may be at 1 pm). Check the total, type 649 & send SMS to This figure should be cumulative in respect of every 2 hours.
Report on Voters in Queue at 6 PM Q 103 : Q- Stands for Total No. of Voters in queue at 6:00 PM/ 4:00 PM (in case where poll ends at 4:00 PM) Report on Final Voter Turnout VT 660 : VT – Stands for Voters Turnout, Total Voter Turn out at the end of Polling Report after reaching RC SARC : SARC – Stands for Safe Arrival of Polling party at Receiving Centre POLL Report (Poll day)
POLL Problem Reporting ( Poll day ) By Presiding Officer/ Polling Officer Problem of EVM Non-Functioning EVM : indicates Electronic Voting Machine Problem Problem of Law & Order LW : Indicates Law & Order Problem Other Problem OTH : OTH – Indicates Other Problem
POLL MONITORING OUTGOING SMS CONFIRMATIONS POLL Registration ( Latest By P – 3 days ) Registration of RO :You have been successfully registered as the RO for AC 001 Registration of ARO : You have been successfully registered as the ARO for AC 001 Registration of SO :You have been successfully registered as the SO for PS No. 1,2,3,4,5,5,10,15 under AC 001
POLL MONITORING OUTGOING SMS CONFIRMATIONS POLL Registration (Poll– 1/2 day) Registration of Presiding Officer/ Polling Officer You have been successfully registered as the PRO/PO for PS No. 001 under AC 001
POLL MONITORING OUTGOING SMS CONFIRMATIONS TO RO / ARO / SECTOR Officers Problem of EVM Non-Functioning Problem of EVM Reported at PS No Immediate Action Requested. Problem of Law & Order Problem of Law & Order Reported at PS No Immediate Action Requested Other Problem Other Problem Reported at PS No Immediate Action Requested
Exception Reporting (Poll – 1/2 day & Poll day) TO RO / ARO / SECTOR Officers Safe Arrival from DC to Polling Stations :Updates of Safe Arrival not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 Mock Poll Conducted :Updates of Mock Poll not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 Poll Started :Updates of Poll Start time not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54
Exception Reporting ( Poll day & Poll – 1/2 day) TO RO / ARO / SECTOR Officers 9 AM Poll Status Update :Poll Status Update at 9 AM not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 11 AM Poll Status Update :Poll Status Update at 11 AM not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54
1 PM Poll Status Update :Poll Status Update at 1 PM not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 3 PM Poll Status Update :Poll Status Update at 3 PM not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 5 PM Poll Status Update :Poll Status Update at 5 PM not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 Exception Reporting ( Poll day/ Poll – 1 day) TO RO / ARO / SECTOR Officers
6 PM Poll Status Update :Poll Status Update at 6 PM not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 Voters in queue at 6 PM :Voters in queue report not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 Voter Turnout Report :Voters turnout report not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 Safe Arrival at RC :Safe Arrival at RC report not recd for PS 1,2,5,18,21,34,87,54 Exception Reporting - Poll day TO RO / ARO / SECTOR Officers
SYNOPSIS 1.Registration 2.Safe Arrival at Polling Station 3.Mock Poll 4.Poll Start 5.2 Hourly report : 9 AM 6.2 Hourly report : 11 AM 7.2 Hourly report : 1 PM 8.2 Hourly report : 3 PM 9.2 Hourly report : 5 PM 10.Voters in Queue 11. VTR 12.Safe Arrival at Receiving Centre Presiding Officers/ Polling Personnel have to send 12 SMS
FORCE MULTIPLIERS IN POLLING STATIONS DIGITAL CAMERA Digital cameras will be used in many polling stations to capture different moments of the poll proceedings in this Assembly Election. This would help to check electoral malpractices, detect cases of impersonation, keep a record of those without identity cards and also prevent false voting.
VIDEO CAMERA FORCE MULTIPLIERS IN POLLING STATIONS In order to have a true, faithful and concurrent record of the violations of the election law and to assess the impact of its corrective measures, recordings of various events will be done during the process of polling in sensitive and hypersensitive polling stations. Critical events in and around the polling station will also be captured on video camera in such polling stations like Mock poll and sealing of EVM before commencement of polls, positioning of voting compartment, presence of polling agents, voters waiting outside at the close of scheduled hour of poll, visits of sector officers, observers and other electoral functionaries etc.
FORCE MULTIPLIERS IN POLLING STATIONS CCTV Polling stations having poor connectivity, if required to be covered under web-casting, will be done through off-line mode of recording or through CCTV in stand-alone mechanism
WEBCAM FORCE MULTIPLIERS IN POLLING STATIONS All arrangements are in place for web-casting from polling stations. DEOs have assessed their available resources and connectivity issues to plan out the deployment. Web- casting will prevent trouble makers from creating any problem inside the booth and disrupt the polling process. By monitoring the web-casting from polling booths, higher Officials will be able to keep a check on any incidence and in case of any emergency, will be able to take necessary steps to solve the problem.
Please Web-camera will be in the form of a Tab and it should be placed on the wall mount bracket fitted in such a way that it cannot be reached easily. Web-camera should focus the entire Polling Booth as far as possible and should positively focus the voting compartment. No one should be allowed to cover up the camera in any way. The camera should start operating before Mock Poll and operate till end of poll. Presiding officer should complain the authority for non- functioning of the web camera.