Unit 6a Reporting results
OBJECTIVES: To enable Ss to talk about company performance; To review the language of changing including cause and effect; To practice reading and listening for specific information; To practice report writing.
Class activity 1. talk about some information which is used to measure the performance of a company. 2. talk about where they can find this information
examples of charts including line chart (graph), bar chart (also histogram), pie chart and table How many words can you give to express a rising (upward) trend? How many words can you give to express a falling (downward) tread
Describing the charts
Answers for question a: rise, increase, grow, climb, soar, jump, gain, double/triple, peak, shoot up, go up …… Answers for question b: fall, decrease, descend, decline, shrink, slip, plummet, slump, collapse, be halved, be reduced, drop …… Some other situations should be mentioned: level off/out, bottom out, recover / improve, fluctuate etc. And also you can use some adjectives and adverbs to describe graphs: dramatic, marked, steep, steady/steadily, and stable, sharply), rapidly etc.
Speaking Work in pairs. Student A look at the Activity sheet on page 146 and student B look at the Activity sheet on page 151. Students will practise describing the graph and bar chart. Play the recording twice. Listen to a television report about Budgens, a supermarket chain and answer the questions on page
Reading Look at some extracts from the Chairman ’ s Statement in four annual reports and answer some questions. (Textbook P85) Speaking. Work in pairs. (Textbook P86)
Assignment 1. Writing: Write a word report comparing the two companies and recommending the most suitable for investment. (Before you write, review the writing of report in the last unit.) 2. Ask the students to preview the next part of the unit.
Unit 6b Environmental report
OBJECTIVES: To enable Ss to talk about the impact of business on the environment; To practise listening for specific information; To practise report writing; To review and practise language for giving presentations.
Class activity 1.talk about some companies ’ environmental impact in their local place. 2.use the result of the questionnaire to assess environmental impact in local offices.
environmental problems
The Waste Hierarchy
The Waste Pyramid - turn it on its head!
Listening Play the recording. Listen and choose one letter for the correct answer. Introduce ICI (Imperial Chemicals Industries)
Speaking Work in groups. Look at the information on textbook page 90 and prepare a brief presentation on the company ’ s environmental performance. Then write a report on it.
Assignment Fig. 1 Trend in Volume of Domestic Waste Generated
Fig. 2 Trend in Total Volume of Industrial Waste Generated
Fig. 3 Ratio of Container and Package Waste to All Domestic Waste