Charts - 10
Charts – 10 What are Birth & Death Rates
Charts - 20
Charts – 20 What are Population Pyramids
Charts - 30 A visual representation of the age and sex composition of a population.
Charts – 30 What is a Population Pyramid
Charts - 40 The number of people that can be supported in an area with given resources and technology.
Charts – 40 What is Carrying Capacity
Charts - 50 The change of going from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates that a country takes when going from a pre- industrial to an industrialized economy.
Charts – 50 What is Demographic Transition
People - 10 A city with a population of over 10 million.
People – 10 What is a Megacity
People - 20 The growth of city populations as people transition from rural* to urban areas. *Rural- The countryside; outside of the city.
People – 20 What is Urbanization
People - 30 _____ is a category used to describe countries that have lower levels of economic development, with more poverty and lower standards of living.
People – 30 What is Less Developed
People - 40 _______ is a category used to describe countries that have higher levels of economic development, with greater wealth, and higher standards of living.
People – 40 What is More Developed
People - 50
People – 50 What is Immigration
Birth - 10 The yearly number of births per 1,000 people.
Birth – 10 What is Birth Rate
Birth - 20 The average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years.
Birth – 20 What is Total Fertility Rate
Birth - 30 The average number of years someone is expected to live based on current health trends
Birth – 30 What is Life Expectancy
Birth - 40
Birth – 40 What is Life Expectancy
Birth - 50
Birth – 50 What is Total Fertility Rate
Death - 10 The yearly number of deaths per 1,000 people.
Death – 10 What is Death Rate
Death - 20 The annual number of infant deaths (under 1yr) per 1,000 live births.
Death – 20 What is Infant Mortality
Death - 30 A disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a very high percentage of the population.
Death – 30 What is Pandemic
Death - 40
Death – 40 What is Infant Mortality
Death - 50
Death – 50 What is Demographic Transition
Miscellaneous - 10 A measurement of the number of people per given unit of land.
Miscellaneous – 10 What is Population Density
Miscellaneous - 20 The introduction of chemical fertilizers and high-yield seed varieties in the developing world, starting in the 1960s.
Miscellaneous – 20 What is Green Revolution
Miscellaneous - 30
Miscellaneous – 30 What is Population Density
Miscellaneous - 40
Miscellaneous – 40 What are Push Factors
Miscellaneous - 50
Miscellaneous – 50 What are Pull Factors