Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Cambodian Red Cross Bangkok, 16 th September, HEALTH and DM UPDATE Dr. Uy Sam Ath, Director Disaster Management Dept. Dr. Sok Long, Director Health Dept.
Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Major Achievement against Road map and Resilience House Please highlight key achievement since Yangon meeting, 2013 to Sept, 2014 against the integrated regional road map and resilience house Health and DM achievement should be highlighted. 1.CRC Disaster working group (departments and Secretariat) 2.Booklet Pre-during-post disaster 3.Key health message delivered during disaster operation 4.RCV and RCY involved, collaboration with relevant NGOs and Govn’t 5.Monitoring and report Reflex across the CRS house
Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum New Initiative and new partners- If any New initiative or approach adapted by NSs to implement the programme with consideration of cross cutting components like climate change, gender, disability, migration, youth and PSS, NCD Use of technology and social media in the program New partnership formed with the country – corporate sector, academia, CSO, UN, etc. (MoUs, partnership agreement, etc) Disaster OD Cross Cutting Partners Partners: Technical / funding - PNS - IFRC - Develop. Agencies - UN Partners: Strategy / Implement -Local Government - NGOs - Media Key message: Health DRR booklet
Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Challenges to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map Key challenges in implementing integrated programme in line with regional road map and component of resilience house. (Please consider both internal and external challenges) More projects – more resilience Communication-network Capacity building in M&E Lack of technical / financial resources Integration Long-term funding/partners
Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Opportunities to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map New opportunities in terms of maximizing existing resources (human, IEC, etc.) Generating new financial resources under the umbrella of Resilience approach 1.Support from leaders 2. Community need diversity 3.Global CC 4.CSR is understood more internal movement, need strong advocate to external key movement partners and donor agencies
Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum NS engagement to strengthen the coordination and cooperation at National level Internal Within NSs - Interdepartmental External With other stakeholders like Govt., UN agencies, ASEAN, CSO,etc 1- In CRC it selves: We have established “The CRC’s DM working Group” to strengthening the capacity to implement the CSR ‘s projects. All CRC’s department staff involved. Mechanism, SoP developed. Green light from Leadership. 2-From outsiders. CRC is recognized by NCDM, HRF in it tasks assigned by the Govn’ t. Coordination with relevant key players is going smoothly. CRC involvement with relevant DM actors.
Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Specific expectations from IFRC in 2015 what are the specific areas that NSs expect IFRC can support to operationalize Resilience approach Support to enhance the quality of current program and development of new initiatives Support to position NSs in different forums – National and regional (like ASEAN) Support to enhance our regional cooperation (CSR forum, peer to peer support, staff on loan, RDRT, etc) Fund support to continue the current CSR program (all in one approach) Climate changes adaptation/mitigation in livelihood improvement (e.g. restoration irrigation system, Wat/san) Enhance safer shelters (e.g. storm resistant housing) Advocacy / diplomacy for DRR (integrate to local development plan of the Govn’t) Institutional preparedness for response Analysis of assessments gathered and report writing