PROJECT GOALS: To receive, collect, clasify and process data from organic farming system in Slovakia: a)Structure of organically farmed areas b)Arable land utilisation – area of sowed land c)Production of plant products on arable land d)Categorisation of plant production e)Inventory of organic animals f)Sale of live animals g)Sale of animal products h)Income from plant and animal production i)Import from third countries j)Sale of organic produce in small scale shops
PROJECT REALISATION STATISTICAL OFFICE of the Slovak Republic ( SO SR) CCTIA – the Slovak competent authority for organic production legislative framework for organic production TAPAS 2007 – SLOVAK REPUBLIC Data collection Survey, response Data processing Telephonic inquiry Conclusions Annexes No.1 – No.22 PRESENTATION No.1 – Organic crop production in SK( Item 4.2) PRESENTATION No.2 - Statistics on organic production in SK (Item 6)
DATA COLLECTION and PROCESSING Response: 100 % of Slovak organic farmers 76 % of Slovak organic food processors 100 % organic importers 60 % supermarket chains (3/5) Data classification - according to permanent seat, regions of SR - system utilised in general surveyes of SO SR - according to organic status - according to organic activity - according to low forms Basic OF statistics: Table 21, 22
SURVEY OUTCOMES written survey % of Slovak farms are organic - farming units with agric. activies 182 organic farms where: 4 has K3 land 52 has K2 land 31 has K1 land 75 farms are in K2 where: 22 has K1 land 23 farms are in K1 - from 35 organic food producers 12 are as well organic farmers - from 32 operators with other activities 10 operators are as well organic farmers 9 operators as well other operators
Organic farms according to law forms Table 1 Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) Classification according to law forms Slovak organic farming units are declared as registered enterptises ( operators in organic production) From the surveyed 277 farms: are physical persons (40 %) entered the Slovak Business Register (60 %) owns 276 private property
Farm structure according to the main performed activity Table 2. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farmers - all activities SO codes for activities 75.5 % of organic farms (209/277) has agricultural production as main activity 25.5 % of organic farms declared as main activity non-agricultural activities: wholesale trade (5.8 %), retail trade (4 %), hotels & restaurants(1.8 %),..
Organically farmed land according to law forms of organic farms Table 3 Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farms Classification according to law forms Total area ha ( CCTIA registered ha) 83.5 % of organic soil farmed by farmers entered in Business Register 16.5 % by physical persons
Organic farming status of organic farms Table 4 Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farms declared in numbers Classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2, K3 EKO farm status: 179 farms INCONVERSION status: 208 where K1 76 farms K2 128 farms K3 4 farms INCONVERSION farms mostly in East EKO farms mostly in EAST
Number of organic farms according to organic status 20 May 2007 Org farms number BAEKO6 K12 K22 K30 WestEKO40 K127 K220 K31 CentralEKO58 K119 K241 K32 EastEKO75 K128 K265 K31 Totalall277
2007: Geographic position of organic farms in 2007 covers the whole SR 6.3 % of total Slovak agric.land In convertion ha, 30 %
Organic status of the organically farmed land according to growing purposes Table 5. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farms Classification according to soil structure: Arable land, Permanent grassland, Vineyards, Orchards Classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2, K3 K3 orchards: W, Cent.,East K2: East PG– Cent PG –W AL – BA AL K1: Cent PG–West AL–East PG– BA AL EKO: East PG–Cent PG–West AL– BA AL
Organic status of organically farmed land Summary of soil structure classification ( AL, PG, Vineyard, Orchard) Acreage of all soils according to the organic farming status (ha) 20 May 2007 EKOK1K2K3 Bratislava , West ,8 Central ,7 East ,21 Total ,4 Area according to the organic farming status (%) 20 May 2007 EKOK1K2K3 Bratislava2,920,211,120,00 West8,951,153,030,02 Central25,892,518,140,03 East28,560,9916,480,00 Total66,324,8528,780,05
Summary of soil structure classification ( AL, PG, Vineyard, Orchard)
Average organically farmed area in ha/farm Table 6. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farms Classification according to growing purposes ( soil structure): Arable land, Permanent grassland, Vineyards, Orchards Classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2, K3 K3 orchards 15 ha/farm in SK K2: PG ha/farm in SK K1: PG 41.8 ha/farm in SK EKO: PG 32O.1 ha/farm in SK
Total SK average: ha/farm
Number of organic farms according to soil structure and organic status Table 7. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farms Classification according to soil structure: Arable land, Permanent grassland, Vineyards, Orchards Classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2, K3 Greatest number of farms is: - located in East - formed by PG
Number of organic farms according to soil structure (not specified organic status) Table 8. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farms Classification according to soil structure: Arable land, Permanent grassland, Vineyards, Orchards Total farm number without classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2, K3 Greatest portion of farms is: - located in East 115/277 - formed by PG 217/277
Detailed organic arable crop production (ha) Table 9. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farms Classification according to arable crop types Classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2 Harvested area, Sowing area, Production, Yield Crops produced: - not for processing purposes - not for org food production - for org animal rearing - apply closed OF system
Organic arable crop production (ha, %) Table 10. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All organic farms ha AL Classification according to arable crop types Classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2, K3 Goal: feeding for org animals Vegetable:Total 1.5 %( 56% Aspar.) Fodder production: 50.4 % Cereals for feeding purposes ( soft wheat, rye, oat, triticale..) Multiannual fodder plants grow on 42.4% of organic AL in SK ( BA 30 %, W 16 %, Cent 50 %, East 59 %)
Detailed permanent grassland (ha) Table 11. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) Total PG ,71 ha Classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2 PG, Harvested area, Production, Yields Org PG 15.7 % of total Slovak PG Organic status: EKO 69.1 % K1 3.8 % K %
Detailed vineyards (ha) Table 12. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) Total Vineyrds ha Classification according to organic status: EKO, K1, K2, K3 Vineyards, Production area, Grape production, Yields Org vineyards 0.17 % of total Slovak vineyards) Organic status: EKO 100 %
Farm realisation (kg) Table 13. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All org farms Farm production, On farm realisation, Sale – Org & NonOrg SALE: 23.6 % t (23.6 %) in SR 66.4% as org total: 51.4 % in SR 50.7% ON FARM REALISATION: 76.4 % 80.3 % processed. Sold 15.9 % as org, 15.1 % as nonorg, 69% used: 65.4% feeding of own org animals,,2.2% orgFeed produc., 1.2% orgSeed, 0.2% orgFood
Farm realisation (%) Table 14. Classification according to regions (BA, West, Central, East, Total) All org farms Medical plants, Aromatic plants: sold 100% in SR as org Fresh vegetable: sold as org 5 % in SR and 50 % outside SR, nonorg: 23% in SR, 22% outside SR Fodder crops 0 sale, own realisation
SURVEY OUTCOMES telephonic inquiry - missing organic trade associations/ cooperation units for offering organic to supermarket in requested quantities and on regular basis -limited processing: large scale units are in SK, missing small family enterprices - consumers do not use to buy organic: price vs. quality ( exception young & ill ), missing promotion and information campaignes
GENERAL RESULTS of the SURVEY 100 % responce of Slovak organic farmers Fruitful cooperation of SO SR and CCTIA ( competent OF authority in SR) Consultation & exchange of organic production data in Slovakia General statistical data of SO SR and specific organic production data of CCTIA launches useful cooperation for future
OF statistical data sources in SK SO SR – general farming survey including organic CCTIA – registration data: farms, low form, ha, organic status,... Inspection body authorised in SR: Naturalis SK - database from CCTIA updated actually during inspections on farma ––––––––––––––––––––––––- -Cooperation -Data exchange -Data update -Clarification, cross-check
Plans for OF statistical data sources in SK Establishment of conditions between SO SR, CCTIA and Naturalis SK for: - overtaking of data ( avoid double data collection) - permanent data update - ad hoc data sources - ad hoc data exchange - reliable OF data sources - possibility of data cross check Full realisation in year 2013
General OF problems in SR Processing not developed Sale on low level Consumers not informed OF primary production used: on the farm for organic animal rearing Sold as non-organic No added value, finalisation is missing Large scale processing in general, missing small family processing units
CCTIA Dept. of Environmental Protection and Organic Farming ÚKSÚP Odbor životného prostredia a ekologického poľnohospodárstva Hanulova 9A, Bratislava