RealTime LowPrice AirtelDotcom Go forward to Online Air+Hotel World with our Experts! 2016
WHO ARE WE? C ontents & Community "Contents & Community" A.T.C AirtelDotCom Co.,Ltd. Actually, local residents or customers who love travel have more know-how and key contents than travel agencies nowadays. Travel contents are flowing from customers to travel agencies not from agencies to customers. New travel products are made of the contents and then generate revenue. The specialist team that can make travel products from any contents that customers want is what A.T.C looks for. The first step of contents-sharing is daily communication with collaborators and customers. "Professional & Systematic Land Partner" A.T.C ATC is operating not only booking & accounting works but guide demands by online computerized system. During the event, the local office(guide) and headquarters interact and communicate each other about option reservation, restaurant booking,etc. Based on our prompt feedback program, we are going to be your best partner. A.T.C will lead the way of travel culture with contents development by travel specialist and advanced system. There is youth and passion in A.T.C product. A.T.C will be a travel companion of collaborators for life. CEO of A.T.C AirtelDotCom Co., Ltd. JongSung, Kim H istory 2003 ~ [2003] Incorporation SJ commerce Sales travel products Launching brand “SsadaBali” Develop travel operating system Develop online agency program [2013] Armway Korea Guam event 5.1 IATA BSP certificate [HO ] Pattaya Dusit D2 GSA contract Galileo GDS program development contract Daegu/Gyungbuk branch open Annual customer traffic over 15,000 [2014] Hafadai Korea Guam membership card open Singapore AirtelDorCom open Airtel products real-time bookingl in development Hongkong AirtelDotCom opening soon Sydney AirtelDotCom opening soon [2004 ~ 2010] Bali honeymoon No.1 brand width Travel agency managing CRM development Company name change into TourBiz Operating PIC Guam/Saipan booking center operating Saipan World Resort booking center Company name change into Tour Explore Guam AirtelDotCom open [2011] 7.29 Company name change into AirtelDotCom F.I.T contents development Boracay AirtelDotCom open Guam/Saipan Land agency, ATC open -Bookng module MAIN OP development & sales Guam Leo Palace Hotel Webpage &CRM development PHR webpage & CRM development [2012] Cebu AirtelDotCom open Hawaii AirtelDotCom open Kota Kinabalu AirtelDotCom open Guam Tour Rent-a-Car Korean office open - The first real-time system Guam Onward Hotel booking module develop Bali local office open Annual customer traffic over 10, ~ F IGURES leads Korean OTA market for business and leisure travellers Our experts work with major affiliated companies and attract potential online customers through strong marketing strategies million PAGE VIEWS of website per year thousand AIRTELS of definite reservation per year NO.1 Dynamic Airtel OTA of KOREA About BRAND AWARENESS, PAGE VIEWS, Air Filght & Rooms thousand REGISTERED MEMBERS of Website 12 million AFFILIATED MEMBERS A IR SUPPLIES supplies worldwide airline service with travelport. 390 Full Service Carrier50 Low Cost Carrier H OTEL SUPPLIES supplies worldwide accommodations & attractions with major affiliated suppliers Over 150,000 Worldwide hotels including domestic over 620 Local Vender hotels [All direct contracts] Expedia Affiliate Network MIKI Travel Limited Tourico Holidays Gullivers Travel Associates Hong Thai Travel Dream tour Bico Trip Hikari Global W EBSITE DESIGN Our Website is simple, easy and smart. Our guest explores this enjoyable airel world on the optimized web system M obile Booking Real-time and 24hours booking service with iPhone, Android, Mobile web 1. Quick Reservation Smart and Fast booking! Search-book-pay all at once One click Choice of Air & room bed type Real-time booking 2. My Reservation Easy confirmation ! Easy Search & Book (guest) Additional benefit to members 3. Customer Service Trustful Online Air+Hotel reservation company Nice customer service through Web/ /Telephone Refer to App or Web page for details M arketing We spend over $1Million dollars value annually for exposing to all kinds of Marketing channel TV Program Shooting Support M arketing We spend over $1Million dollars value annually for exposing to all kinds of Marketing channel Sports Marketing – Dongbu Basketball Team PIC Guam Program M arketing We spend over $1Million dollars value annually for exposing to all kinds of Marketing channel Online Shopping mall Event – “BBORAM” in Guam / Boracay Click M arketing We spend over $1Million dollars value annually for exposing to all kinds of Marketing channel /airteldotcom M arketing We spend over $1Million dollars value annually for exposing to all kinds of Marketing channel The Whole Nation Customer of AirtelDotcom 33million KakaoTalk users of 100million smartphone users in Korea M arketing We spend over $1Million dollars value annually for exposing to all kinds of Marketing channel Brand Appealing Through KakaoTalk Profile marketing communications network Main OP communications network JustLikeHome Headquarter #503, HANSAN Bldg, 115, Seosomun-ro Jung-gu Seoul, Republic of Korea Business Development Phone Fax For more information, please visit our company website at or contact us