Application, plans, etc. and fee received EHS reviews application/ plans Submission complete? Notify applicant that application is incomplete & track for.


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Presentation transcript:

Application, plans, etc. and fee received EHS reviews application/ plans Submission complete? Notify applicant that application is incomplete & track for expiration Need test holes? Proposed plan OK? Issue permit Track permit for renewal Inform applicant of issues New plans submitted? Soil OK? No Yes Contact supervisor/ coordinator No Soil OK after review? Yes Need help? No Activate eval group/soil testing No Eval group/soil testing can OK soil? No Deny permit Track application for expiration No Contact supervisor/ coordinator Plan OK after review? Activate eval group Eval group can issue? No Deny permit Yes Need help? No Yes Maintain files for DEQ audit/use Septic permitting

Inspection requestEHS can inspect? Can another EHS inspect? Installer self inspect w/ approval from coordinator Refer to another EHS Perform inspection Inspection pass? Contact client and discuss issues and ways to correct Written notification of no pass Wait for new inspection request Complete inspection report, as built, photos, GPS Contact client and sign inspection card if needed Scan/file documents Document deficiencies on inspection report, as built, photos, etc Yes No Yes Septic inspection

Request for pre-conference Pre-conference Application, checklist, preliminary plat, fee, etc City subdivision? Application, plat, fee, etc Need test holes?* Application complete? Sign final plat, record approval on application File/scan Return to applicant with explanation Can approve? Approval letter Create subdivision file Attend P&Z hearings/ meetings as necessary Final plat approved by county Final plat is correct? Return to applicant with explanation Sign final plat, copy to subdivision file File with other subdivision files Yes No Discuss issues with applicant Applicant agrees to make changes? Need help? Contact supervisor/ coordinator Ok after review? Denial letter file all notes, plats, etc Yes Test holes OK? * Test holes will be required in virtually all cases. Yes No Yes Discuss issues with applicant Applicant agrees to make changes? Need help? Contact supervisor/ coordinator Ok after review? Denial letter file all notes, plats, etc Yes No Yes Subdivision approvals

CSR/EHS receives application/fee/etc Permit fee paid? EHS need to contact applicant? Yes No New Food Estab Receipt/permit to client Opening inspection scheduled Inspection report Inspection passed? Inspection scheduled for 1 year Yes EHS contacts applicant No Plan review? Yes Plan review fee paid? Plan review OK? Inspection report No Follow-up inspection? Yes VCR No VCR returned? No Violations corrected? Document corrections No Yes No Approval letter receipt Yes File application/plan review/letter and wait for request to inspect Preopen inspection requested/ scheduled/ performed Inspection report Preopen inspection? No Preopen inspection requested/ scheduled/ performed Inspection report Yes Follow up inspection scheduled Inspection passed? Inspection report Yes Compliance actions? Yes No Begin compliance process

Inspection per schedule EHS can inspect? Refer to supervisor/coordinator for reassignment Perform inspection Inspection pass? Inspection report Yes No Existing food inspection Next inspection scheduled Inspection report Follow-up inspection? Yes VCR No VCR returned? No Violations corrected? Document corrections No Yes No Follow up inspection scheduled Inspection passed? Inspection report Yes Compliance actions? Yes No Begin compliance process

Inspection referral Provider schedules inspection? Inspection passed? Inspection report Inform IdahoSTARS of no contact Inspection can pass with corrective actions? Yes No Yes Daycare inspection Assign to EHS EHS can inspect? Refer to supervisor/coordinator for reassignment Yes No EHS can contact provider? EHS logs contact attempts Inform IdahoSTARS of passed inspection Inspection report No Inform IdahoSTARS of no pass Follow-up inspection? YesInspection report & VCR Need water sample? No Take water sample(s) to lab Yes Water sample results OK? Document results Additional issues? YesNo Yes No VCR returned within timeframe? Inform IdahoSTARS of passed inspection Yes No Yes Schedule follow-up inspection Inspection passed? NoYes

Request received and fee collected Site visit required? Septic permit needed? Disapproval letter, do not stamp plans Copy of disapproval to applicant Arrange time to visit site File letter, copy of stamped plans, etc Document findings (as built, photos, soil info, GPS, etc) Discuss issues and potential resolutions with applicant Begin septic permitting process Approval letter (copy to applicant), stamp plans Yes No Yes P&Z letter Perform site visit Can approve request? Applicant modifies request/ provides needed info, etc? No Yes

Request received and fee collected Disapproval letter Copy of disapproval to applicant Review checklist & plans File letter, checklist, plans, etc Checklist & plans Discuss issues and potential resolutions with applicant Approval letter (original to applicant) Yes No Plans review Can approve request? Applicant modifies request/ provides needed info, etc? No

Schedule inspection Discuss issues with client File inspection, etc Send list to DEQ yearly, update list as needed Inspection report Yes No Pumper truck inspections Inspection passed? Inspection report Send list to DEQ yearly, update list as needed Client fixes issues and wishes to re- inspect? Yes No Yearly inspection needed

Complaint report/ documentation Get complaint info to EHS who will investigate File findings, etc Perform inspection Inspection report, photos, etc Yes No Complaint investigations (general process assuming some level of jurisdiction) Onsite inspection needed? Document findings Phone call, letter, etc Complaint confirmed?/ grounds for inspection? Yes No Complaint recieved Complaint confirmed? Any other issues noted? No Discuss with PIC, property owner, etc Yes PIC agrees to corrections, timeframe, etc? Document agreement (preferably via from PIC, signed consent order, etc) Yes Follow up as agreed Issues corrected? Document findings Begin applicable enforcement procedure, contact supervisor/coordinator No New agreement can be reached? Yes No

EHS makes arrangements/ appointment as necessary and informs applicant of fee EHS performs service, documents findings, and records time spent including travel & report writing time Report to client Bill to client Yes No consultations Fee paid? Report finished and filed Request received Begin collections procedure

EHS makes arrangements/ appointment as necessary EHS performs service, documents findings Begin septic permitting process Report to client & file Yes No Site evaluations Client applies for permit within 1 year? Record findings, photos, GPS, etc Request received & fee paid Report is permanent record

EHS makes arrangements/ appointment as necessary EHS performs service, documents findings Report to person indicated on application Sample to lab Yes No Mortgage surveys Absent? Record findings, photos, GPS, etc Request received & fee paid Finalize & sign report, file copy Record results, file lab report EHS informs client & discusses options Client requests resample? Have 3 months past since initial inspection? Client can be contacted? No Client requests results released as is? Yes No Yes Wait for client to contact EHS No Yes Is 3 rd visit? (or greater) No Additional fee paid? Yes Client will pay? Yes Report to person indicated on application Finalize & sign report, file copy No