Factors Affecting Food Choices
What people eat says a lot about them. Food tells a story….
Like speech patterns, food habits are a reflection of culture Like speech patterns, food habits are a reflection of culture. Culture refers to the beliefs and social customs of a group of people. It affects all aspects of your life, from where you live to how you dress. . It affects all aspects of your life, from where you live to how you dress.
What factors have helped shape your culture What factors have helped shape your culture? Family members, friends, and other people who are close to you help pass along culture. Schools, religious organizations, and the media are also key influences.
Historical Influences on what we eat include our roots in other cultures whether European, African, Asian, or Latino. This also includes early settlers and Native American influences.
Some of the foods you choose to eat may be based on your ethnic group Some of the foods you choose to eat may be based on your ethnic group. Groups of people who share common blood ties, land ties, or racial and religious similarities are called Ethnic Groups. Ethnic Foods are foods that are typical of a given racial, national, or religious culture. Soul Food is traditional food of the African-American cultural group which includes dishes such as collard greens and chitterlings.
Other ethnic foods include Chinese, Mexican and Greek to name a few…
Food Taboos are social customs that prohibit the use of certain edible resources as food. No single diet pattern is acceptable to all people. People learn feelings about food through cultural experiences.
People may eat a particular food because of its Regional Influence People may eat a particular food because of its Regional Influence. Each region of the United States features some distinctive types of foods.
Religious Beliefs have influenced people’s food choices for centuries Religious Beliefs have influenced people’s food choices for centuries. Certain religious groups have rules regarding what members may or may not eat. Foods prepared to Jewish dietary laws are called Kosher Foods.
Food often plays a role in social relationships with family members and friends. These people may influence the foods you choose to eat. The family is a major influence on the diets of young eaters. Some new social influences include single working parents, more disposable income from dual-working families, smaller average family size and increasingly mobile family members.
Social Influences on food choices include family, friends, Status Foods, and media.
Values make a difference in the kinds of changes seen in family food behavior. Values are beliefs and at attitudes that are important to people. Traditions, such as making special foods and eating together, are important values in many families.
Your friends and peers play a major role in determining what, where, and when you eat. Anywhere people gather you are likely to see food. School cafeteria where students gather, sporting events where fans gather, fast-food chains where friends meet, movie theaters, parties, church gatherings, and shopping malls are all places where people meet with friends and enjoy food.
Just like they meet anywhere, friends also get together anytime Just like they meet anywhere, friends also get together anytime. Jogging buddies may get an early breakfast, neighbors might get a midmorning coffee and rolls. Business associates often have “business lunches”. Teenagers might raid the refrigerator for a late-night study session.
Think about social events and the foods we serve to make them special: Birthdays, Anniversary parties, Christmas, Thanksgiving and other celebratory events.
Sometimes people choose foods to tell a story about their social status. Status Foods are foods that have social impact on others. Status foods are often served at special occasions to influence or impress important people.
The Media is a strong social influence on food choices The Media is a strong social influence on food choices. People may choose to prepare foods in a way shown in a newspaper, magazine, or on a television show. The media carry food advertisements on television and in print. The effects of commercials on people’s eating behaviors are hard to escape. Body image is also affected by media.
Emotions Affect Food Choices People use food to do more than satisfy physical hunger. Many people choose to eat or avoid certain foods for emotional reasons. Emotional Responses to Food develop early in life. For some people, food creates pleasant and happy feelings. For others, feelings of frustration or disgust. You learn some emotional responses to food in the context of family, school, community, religion, and the media.
Using Food to Deal with Emotions is what helps some people cope Using Food to Deal with Emotions is what helps some people cope. Many people offer food as a symbol of love and caring. Food for some people helps meet emotional needs. This can also help lead to unhealthy eating behaviors.
Food Used as Rewards or Punishments is a behavior that may start in childhood and continue into adulthood. This is a learned behavior that might cause weight management problems later in life. Using food as punishment might cause negative emotions toward food later in life.
Individual Preferences Affect Food Choice because you choose some foods just because you like them. Several things can impact that: - your emotions - your genes - your experiences with food
The Influences of Agriculture, Technology, Economics, and Politics Sometimes you have control over what you eat and sometimes you don’t. You have control over what is in your house, but very little control over what is in the stores. In the US we have a variety of foods available to us, but that is not the case with most of the world.
Food production is plentiful when important resources are available to grow crops. These resources include: - Fertile Soil - Adequate Water Supply - Favorable Climate - Technical Knowledge - Human Energy
In the last 75 – 100 years, many changes in technology and agriculture have influenced how food gets from farm to table. Technology is the application of a certain body of knowledge. Modern farming machinery, faster food processing systems, and rapid transportation are all examples of technological advances. Also improved food packaging is another way in which technology has affected food supply. A packaging technology that preserves quality and extends shelf life of food is called Aseptic Packaging. This process involves packing sterile food into sterile containers in a sterile atmosphere.
It takes money to buy food, and it also takes money to buy the seeds that grow food. Economics has much to do with the availability of food. If a country cannot afford agricultural supplies or other technological aids, such as tractors, food production is limited.
The degree to which a country’s economic resources are used to address food problems depends largely on politics. The people with political power make most of the decisions in some countries. And political control of food isn’t just in other countries. The U.S. Government sets many policies that relate to food supply.
Nutrition Knowledge Affects Food Choices People have many beliefs about food and nutrition. Correct information is important because it helps you make knowledgeable food choices. Some food myths include: - Certain foods have magical powers - Taking vitamin and mineral pills eliminate the need to eat nutritious foods - Certain foods can cure diseases Go to proper sources to get good information!