1 Giovanni Langella PhD at ETH Zurich/ EMPA Presentation Urban Physics spring school 2016
2 Background BSc – MSc Energy Engineering Aerospace and Wind Energy Working Experience o Research in fluid dynamics o Energy saving and energy management March 2016 – today PhD in urban microclimate
3 Research topic “Heat removal potential in urban configurations” Goal: Enhance the understanding of flows in urban configurations due to main wind, turbulent coherent structures and buoyancy, and their influence on heat removal Propose urban heat island mitigation measures and quantifying their heat removal potential (e.g. green roofs, reflective paints) Impact: The understanding of urban flows will lead to an energy-efficient management of new building installations taking into account the UHI effect, and contributing to the reduction of heat waves and peaks in pollutant concentration
4 Methodology Small scales Large Scales Higher spatial resolution Resolving turbulent coherent structures Only point measurement for air temperature and scalar concentrations Simultaneous measurement of flow and temperature or concentration field Pollutant dispersion from some buildings into the atmosphere Measurement of thermal plumes over the urban area
5 Main thematic areas of interest PhD project: Urban climate & urban energy Urban heat island Urban fluid dynamics and heat transfer Methods Laboratory modelling and uncertainty quantification Personal interest: Climate & meteorology across the scales Cyprus
6 Main thematic areas of interest PhD project: Urban climate & urban energy Urban heat island Urban fluid dynamics and heat transfer Methods Laboratory modelling and uncertainty quantification Personal interest: Climate & meteorology across the scales Cyprus
7 Main thematic areas of interest PhD project: Urban climate & urban energy Urban heat island Urban fluid dynamics and heat transfer Methods Laboratory modelling and uncertainty quantification Personal interest: Climate & meteorology across the scales Cyprus
8 Thanks for the attention and enjoy the school!