Summer Institutes Level 1 FRMCA Level 1, Chapter 7 Communication
2 Session Objectives Describe the communication process. Identify obstacles to effective communication and explain how to prevent them. Explain how personal characteristics can affect communication. List and demonstrate effective listening skills. List and demonstrate effective speaking skills.
3 Session Objectives continued Identify and use business-appropriate telephone skills. List and demonstrate effective writing skills. Define organizational communication and give examples of when it might be used. Describe interpersonal communication. List ways to build relationships through interpersonal communication.
4 Communication: The process of sending and receiving information by talk, gestures, or writing for some type of response or action. Communication Process
5 Communication Process continued Understanding how the communication process works is important for building strong relationships with employees and customers. The communication process has five parts: 1.Sender 2.Receiver 3.Message content 4.Message channel 5.Context 7.1
6 The Process of Communication Two kinds of messages: 1. Historical information: Information that has already happened. 2. Action-required information: Some action must be taken based on the information in the message. 7.1
7 Anything that interferes with or affects communication Lack of time and other pressing needs Fear of confrontation Barriers to Communication
8 Barriers to Communication continued Language differences: Semantics Jargon Tone of message Clarity Assumptions Cultural differences Prejudices and biases Semantics Non-verbal boundaries
9 Preventing Communication Barriers Before sending a message, observe the audience. Decide the best way deliver the message successfully. Ask questions to make sure the message was received as intended.
10 Personal characteristics, such as body language, eye contact, and credibility, have a major impact on communication between people. Cultural differences can impact communication with supervisors, coworkers, classmates, or customers Personal Characteristics Affecting Communication Skills 7.2
11 Guests must find the staff to be credible during communication. Credible servers must have product knowledge Server or manager credibility is critical to good communication when addressing guest complaints Credible chefs have knowledge of processes and procedures Communication In Restaurant and Foodservice Operations 7.2
12 Effective Listening Listening: The ability to focus closely on what another person is saying to summarize the true meaning of a message An effective listener actively participates in the communication process. 7.2
13 Effective Listening continued To be an effective listener, follow these guidelines: Prepare to listen. Show that you are paying attention. Don’t interrupt. Don’t finish the other person’s sentences—in your mind or aloud. Ask questions to clarify. Listen between the lines. Don’t overreact. Record key ideas and phrases. 7.2
14 Effective Speaking When planning a message, deliver the key points in a brief and clear manner. To ensure that the communication has covered all the vital information, answer the five “W’s” and “How” questions: –Who? –What? –Where? –When? –Why? –How? 7.2
15 Effective Speaking continued Develop the communication further and think about how the audience will respond to the message. Consider ways to personalize or customize it for them. 7.2
16 Be an effective listener and an effective speaker: State the name of the organization, followed by the call receiver’s name, and the question, “How may I assist you?” Listen for the reason the caller has phoned. Maintain a positive, polite, and courteous attitude when speaking with the caller. Effective Telephone Skills
17 Effective Telephone Skills continued If the caller has a large amount of information, take notes to be sure all the information is received. Paraphrase or repeat what the caller has stated. After listening to what the caller has to say, decide whether you can resolve the caller’s problem. If you can resolve the caller’s concerns, explain to the caller any steps to be taken.
18 Effective Telephone Skills continued Close the conversation either by explaining to the caller that you will be transferring him or her, or by asking whether there is anything else you can do to assist him or her. Write messages down on a pre-printed message form. Always end the conversation on a positive note.
19 Effective Writing Written business communication is another means for a manager to share information. To write a successful message, the communicator needs a strong process to plan what to say and build the message’s structure. 7.2
20 Written Communication Tips Be brief. Be clear and complete. Review writing to be sure ideas are understandable and comprehensive. Keep it simple. Check your work. Always write with an upbeat attitude. Take a timeout. Read aloud to check grammar and punctuation. 7.2
21 Organizational communication: The combination of messages and information conveying operational procedures, policies, and announcements to a wide variety of audiences Organizational communication can be sent to people inside the organization or outside the organization. Organizational Communication 7.3
22 Organizational Communication Two important types of organizational communication are the mission statements and vision statements of an operation. –Mission statement: Primarily serves an internal function, describing the company’s purpose and key objectives to its team and owners –Vision statement: Is directed both internally and externally, defining the company’s purpose and values to employees and customers Other high priorities for organizational communication include industrial, environmental, and community-related issues.
23 Interpersonal communication: Any two-way communication resulting in immediate feedback Key to creating a positive and respectful work environment Occurs in all types of relationships Interpersonal Communication 7.3
24 Goals of Interpersonal Communication Achieve a specific outcome Improve the relationships of the people involved.
25 Interpersonal Communication continued Verbal messages have a significant impact on interpersonal communication, and, therefore, on the relationships a manager has with employees. Empathy is the act of identifying with the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another person. 7.3
26 Interpersonal Communication continued Successful managers use all the available and appropriate ways to communicate with staff and coworkers. Interpersonal communication allows managers to model an organization’s values to employees.