1 CAREER PATHWAYS Welcome to…. Module 6 Performance Management
2 CAREER PATHWAYS Sponsored by the Joint Career Transition Committee Module 6 in a series of 10 independent modules
3 Objectives Of Career Pathways Program Save $ by creating 1 interdepartmental program Make career planning part of the culture Use modules for flexibility, affordability Create a ‘common language’
4 Overview Of Career Pathways 5 Core modules: 1.Career Planning 2.Testing & Assessment 3.Skills Assessment 4.Personal Learning Plans 5.Career Portfolios 2 Supporting modules for managers 6.Performance Management 7.Career Coaching 3 Mobility modules 8.Competitions, 9.Resumes 10.Interviews
5 Objectives of today are to... Examine the importance of performance feedback, review and planning Examine the components of the performance review and planning cycle Identify skills and strategies for delivering feedback and reviews
6 Overview of today includes... Benefits and purpose of Performance Reviews The manager’s role Performance Review and planning cycle Coaching and feedback Effective communication skills
7 Benefits to management include: opportunity to align performance to department goals clarifies expectations communication and connection recognition performance improvement setting future goals and learning plans
8 Benefits to employees include: reflection of results achieved identifies areas for growth and development identifies learning needs and plans encourages forward thinking and planning
9 Federal Public Service Vision & Mission Long Range Strategic Directives Division/Department Goals & Objectives Individual Goals & Objectives
10 Performance Review & Planning Cycle
11 Establish/Clarify Performance Expectations What’s my job? What results are expected of me? What are the required job standards? What are the behavioral expectations? e.g.. working independently, giving team support, being a continual learner. Answer these questions:
12 When to set and/or clarify expectations... New hires Management changes Operational changes
13 What does a good coach do? challenges and supports their staff coaches for new skills coaches during successes and setbacks provides guidance to increase skill levels and performance focuses on goals
14 Coaching skills include... Effective communication skills Facilitating skills The ability to motivate and inspire A commitment to learning and growth
15 Barriers to Coaching... time comfort level skill level support for the process others...
16 Coaching is an ongoing process rather than an event. It is ongoing for the lifetime of the employee.
17 The Coaching Meeting Preparation… Step One - Check your attitude Step Two - Check your communication Step Three - Check for conditions
18 The Coaching Meeting Conducting the meeting… Step One - Create a comfortable environment Step Two - Agree on the problem Step Three - Agree on the Solution
19 The Coaching Meeting Action Plan Follow-up… Step One - Create an action plan Step Two - Monitor progress Step Three - Provide follow-up coaching
20 Benefits of Using Work Progress Reviews 1. Maintain ongoing connection and communication 2. Keeps employees current 3. Ensures that the annual review has no surprise
21 Key Components include: Key Components that should be covered in the review process include review and forward planning of: 1. Work related goals 2. Employee Performance 3. Learning and Development Goals