By: Jordan Levine
Sargent Claude Johnson From Copper on wood base In the Smithsonian American Art Museum MASK
Palmer Hayden Water color Influenced by enjoyment of Jazz during Harlem Renaissance This was painting of popular Jazz club, Savoy JEUNESSE
Aaron Douglas 1934 Gouache-heavy water color paint Art institute of Chicago Influenced by ancient Egyptian sculptures STUDY FOR ASPECTS OF NEGRO LIFE: THE NEGRO IN AN AFRICAN SETTING
Richmonde Barth 1932 Bronze sculpture Smithsonian American Art Museum BLACKBERRY WOMAN
James Lescesne Wells 1938 Lithograph on paper Represented life for blacks during Harlem Renaissance NEGRO WORKER
Palmer Hayden 1937 Oil painting Smithsonian American Art Museum Represented artistic side of black culture. THE JANITOR WHO PAINTS
Archibald J Motley 1943 Oil on Canvas Art Institute of Chicago Represented lively night life NIGHTLIFE
Augusta Savage 1930 Bronze Inspired by a homeless boy on the streets GAMIN
Malvin Gray Johnson 1934 Oil Smithsonian American Art Museum Represented strength of family BROTHERS
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