World History: Chapter 16
What led to an explosion of the slave trade?
What was the name of the ocean voyage made by slaves?
Who brought slaves to the coastline of Africa to be sold?
Who needed the African slaves in the Americas?
Once slavery was outlawed trade in Africa practically dried up. T or F.
What was one product desired from Africa for Europe?
What was one benefit for Africa once the slave trade was ended?
What religion or region of Africa practiced slavery once Europe had ended it?
What was once thing being shared among Africans as Africa was united economically by large, trade markets?
What was one area of modernization for Africans?
The Fante Confederation hindered the development of Africa for over 100 years. T or F.
What nickname was given to the middle of Africa due to its mysteries?
Who was the most famous missionary/explorer to Africa?
What natural wonder did David Livingston discover while exploring Africa?
What continent was the center of attention before Africa?
What British missionary shared the gospel in Africa while buildings schools and hospitals?
What was the occupation of Samuel Ajayi Crowther?
What was the first European nation to claim parts of Africa?
What two European nations dominated the colonization of Africa?
What part of Africa did France control?
What nation was responsible for the majority of trade in Africa?
What was one of the two nations that began the push for the “Scramble of Africa”?
What did Europeans need once free trade was limited?
How was nationalism a cause or reason for colonizing Africa?
Few missionaries went to Africa during the age of imperialism. T or F.
Who did the Europeans believe was best equipped to control Africa?
What was Phase One or the beginning for the “scramble of Africa”?
African leaders did not understand what they were signing in the treaties with Europeans. T or F.
How did Europeans avoid war among themselves?
What was a response of Africans to the conquering of their lands by Europe?
List another response of Africans to the conquering of their lands by Europe.
Many new African nations were created by Europeans during the “scramble for Africa”. T or F.
What happened to Africa once the Europeans took control- specifically concerning its relationship to the world?
List one example of the modern infrastructure brought to Africa.
Why did many Africans go hungry?
The wealth created in Africa benefited whom?
List one positive social result of imperialism.
What was the negative social result of imperialism?
The Boer War was fought with little conflict and fighting. T or F.
Who did England send to survey the issues in the Sudan?
What happened to General Charles Gordon?
What precious stone was discovered in South Africa drawing many miners?
Who had the ambitions and plans to build a British Empire in Africa?
What weapon was used with great effectiveness in Africa?