Salutary Neglect and Mercantilism Mercantilism- Land= Wealth because of –1 Land= Raw Materials to turn into final products –2 land= More people which = more markets From ’s Colonist have a period of Salutary Neglect –Colonist are left alone by England and they thrive economically and politically The British realize the colonist are trading with other countries and decided to pass the Navigation Acts
Navigation Acts- Dominion of NE Bans the American Colonist from trading with other countries (England Only) Never Truly enforced until the end of the English Civil War –Needed the money following war. To Enforce the Law James II creates the Dominion of New England –Leads to massive smuggling by the Colonist –Edmond Andros is placed in charge- massively corruptive –**Bans the Legislative assembles, raises taxes –Ends with the Glorious Revolution.
More Conflict New England: Pequot War against the Natives over land. –Very violent= slows down expansion –Leads to the Creation of the New England Confederation!!!! King Phillips War- Metacom – 1675 –Last Major effort by Natives to keep their land in New England.
Religious Conflict Waning Piety- People losing faith in Religion –Salem Witch Trial, visible saints, long and boring sermons. Leads to the Halfway Convenant-1662 –Non converted children of Visible Saints can not take communion and attend church –Equals political participation by more. ****The Fear of Waning Piety leads to the First Great Awakening.*****
Life in the American Colonies Population began to explode die to immigration and natural reproduction – 2.5 million by 1775 Immigration creates a melting pot of cultures –German= Penn Dutch –Scott Irish- Rebels HATE BRITAN –Religious Refugees like Huguenots, Jews, Scott Irish responsible for Paxton Boys revolt and the Regulator Movement.
Social Class Merchants and Plantation owner at the top. –Merchants making money of various wars, and trading with other countries Molasses Act passed to cripple American Shipping with the French West Indies. –Did not work- Americans are great at smuggling Professions like doctors and Lawyers become yet another opportunity for educated Lawyers were considered scumbags, until….
Zenger Trial John Peter Zenger –Printer who printed the governor was an idiot and was arrested for libel was not a good king –Alexander Hamilton represented him –Declared not Guilty Establishes Freedom of the Press******
The First Great Awakening-1730’s *1 st spontaneous Movement in American History* Who?- Johnathan Edwards and George Whitefield Edwards- “Sinners in the Hands of Angry God” Whitefield- toured the country and promoted the work. Old lights- did not want to change, did not care about waning piety BORNING vs New Lights- built colleges like Princeton, Rutgers, Brown, Dartmouth, to train new preaching style.
Legacies of the 1 st Great Awakening 1.Est. New Schools 2.Congregationalist split between Old and New Lights 3.Takes Place during Salutary Neglect 4.**First spontaneous Movement in American History
Culture John Trumbull of Connecticut was discouraged, as a youth, by his father. Charles Wilson Peale, best know for his portraits of George Washington, also ran a museum, stuffed birds, and practiced dentistry in addition to his art. Benjamin West and John Singleton Copley had to go to England to complete their ambitious careers. Phillis Whitely- former slave become author, a sign of hope for the woman and slaves.