IB Exams May 2016 It’s GO time!
Testing Calendar
See Mrs. Ricafort ASAP if you have testing conflicts!!! IB does not offer alternate test dates, so when there is a time conflict then you must sign up for an alternate AP test date.
Details Arrive early prior to 8 am for morning exam prior to noon for afternoon exam Wear layers: the testing room will probably be too hot or too cold. Know your IB number ( __ __ __) You must write this every paper you turn in May need to practice making legible numbers ahead of time! actually not kidding about this must be read by a computer and converted into numbers (as your IB number on every document and as your question numbers to be scored)
What to bring: Calculators for math & science: they will be cleared when you enter (consult calculator policy for accepted models) Label-free water botttle Most answers must be in black ink (to be scanned), but pencils can be used for graphs and multiple choice questions Highlighters are handy for some subjects Place photo ID on your table when you arrive
What not to bring: Only the items on the previous slide will be allowed on your person during the examination period No “wearable technology” Do not bring extraneous items to the testing room. Bags, notebooks, papers, snacks, phones, iWatches, GoogleGlasses, etc. will be stored far from your seat and cannot be accessed until you leave. If you have a cell phone, it must be TURNED OFF (not on vibrate) and stored in a separate room for the entire testing period. You will not be allowed to access your phone during breaks. You may not have a cell phone or any other electronic device (exception: approved calculators on math/science exams) in your possession during the testing period. Better if you can leave it somewhere else (your car?) CELL PHONES CAN RUIN EXAMS FOR EVERYONE
What testing materials will I turn in? Cover sheet – this will have your name on it Paper 1, 2, or 3 – examination booklet. Some papers have boxes for answers, and some do not. All exams will be scanned and answers to individual questions will be sent to examiners for scoring. Therefore, make sure your answers are clearly inside the box provided (as appropriate) and/or on an attached IB paper booklet with clearly numbered answers. White out is not allowed Clearly cross out any work that you do not want scored (scratch work not in the boxes provided will be assumed as scratch work and will automatically not be scored) Blank lined four-page answer booklets are available for answers that do not fit or are not to be written on the exam paper itself. Clearly label which question you are on in these booklets and skip at least one line between each question. Paper with squares is available for the Mandarin exam. Square boxes for making Chinese characters Graph paper is available for math and science exams. All papers should have your name and IB number on them before putting them together with string tag and turning them in.
Where do I write my answers? In the testing booklet On additional IB paper to be attached On IB graph paper NOT on separate scratch paper --- all work should be in booklet or attached and numbered.
Entering question numbers/letters You must ensure you have written the question number correctly BEFORE you begin writing each of your answers.
If you make a mistake when writing your question number, fill in the question number boxes completely and use the next available pair of boxes. If you make a mistake when writing an answer and wish to start writing the answer again, put a line through the wrong answer and fill in the question number boxes completely. Write the question number in the next pair of boxes and begin your answer again. Entering question numbers/letters
If your answer goes over more than one page, there is no need to write the question number again at the top of each new page. Completing the boxes with block numbers Leave at least one line space between each answer. If there is not one line space available between the last line of your answer and the next question number box, go to the next available question number box and start your next answer there.
Completing the boxes with block numbers It would be unfortunate to complete an entire test and then mess up the numbers when entering your IB question numbers in pen. So… enter your question number (CLEARLY) FIRST to make sure you get it right before filling an entire booklet with text.
How to access scores later Scores become available on July 6 Students will need their personal code (different from IB #) and PIN to access scores (this info will be distributed in IB English – Mrs. Dogancay has the rest) Take a picture since you are likely to lose this paper between now and July 6 Each student requests scores to be sent to one University (notify Mrs. Dogancay of your choice) Deadlines Outside US – May 1 US schools – June 1 Scores will be sent electronically or by snail mail depending the on the college’s preference Students must request score reports, diplomas directly from after this datewww.ibo.org
GOOD LUCK! Any further questions? See Mrs. Dogancay in E-1 or the IB Office this week.