Creating a Readers’ Advisory Service: The Basics: tools and materials Presented by Michele Leininger, Continuing Education Consultant, State Library of.


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Presentation transcript:

Creating a Readers’ Advisory Service: The Basics: tools and materials Presented by Michele Leininger, Continuing Education Consultant, State Library of Iowa (Des Moines) and Karen Burns, Administrator, Southwest Iowa Library Service Area (Council Bluffs)

Defining Readers’ Advisory Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki: Readers' Advisory Services are defined as the library staff providing suggestions and guidance in finding interesting materials for readers in the library. … Many libraries are offering more formal Readers' Advisory Services both at designated service desks, on the library's website, and through programs offered to library users where new and topical titles are discussed and suggested. ( )

Why Readers’ Advisory You have readers in your community. You spend time and money on your collection. You get satisfaction pairing the right patron and the right book at the right time. You enjoy reading and discussing books!

Components of the RA Interview A customer looking for a good book A staff person willing to help the customer find a good book (as defined by the customer) Listening and asking probing questions are the most important elements to success The exchange can often happen over time, not in one brief interaction Recognition by both that good Readers’ Advisory is more art than science

Tools of the Trade Print Materials Fee-based Databases/Services –NoveList –NextReads –Readers’ Advisor Online Free online tools –Databases –Other tools –Library web sites

Tools of the Trade: Print Materials Readers’ Advisory Books –LSA offices –State Library –ILL Reviewing sources –Professional journals (Booklist, Library Journal, etc.) –Popular magazines (People, Entertainment Weekly, etc.) Other libraries’ book lists

Tools of the Trade: Fee- Based Databases/Services NoveList - Published by EBSCO, it is a “fiction database that provides subject heading access, reviews, annotations, and much more for over 120,000 fiction titles.” Just fiction!

Tools of the Trade: Fee- Based Databases/Services NextReads is a subscription newsletter service of NoveList. It allows a library to patrons in 20 genre-specific reading areas to promote new and mid-list titles that patrons might be interested in. Has nonfiction lists.

Tools of the Trade: Fee- Based Databases/Services Readers Advisor Online is a new database from Libraries Unlimited, the publishers of Genreflecting. The database “helps librarians and other professionals who work with readers identify books they will enjoy reading.” Includes nonfiction.

Tools of the Trade: Free Online Tools/Services Databases –All Readers ( –Reader’s Robot ( –Based on the Book ( –What’s Next? ( ) –WhichBook (

Tools of the Trade: Free Online Tools/Services Other tools: –Readers’ Maps ( ) –StoryCode ( ) –Dear Reader ( ) –LibraryThing ( ) –BooksWellRead ( )

Tools of the Trade: Free Online Tools/Services Library Web sites and book lists: –Morton Grove (IL) – Readers’ Services ( –Waterboro (ME) – Extensive book lists ( –Williamsburg (VA) – Book web ( –Iowa Library Service Areas – Readers’ Advisory links (

Creating a Readers’ Advisory Service: What’s Next –Four online modules: Blogging, Podcasting, Wikis and the Future of Readers’ Advisory. –Each takes approx minutes then minutes of “homework.” –Recommend: Do 1 module a week! –Finish by third class on Thursday, November 29, 9:00-11:00 over the ICN.

Creating a Readers’ Advisory Service Thanks for attending and trying out the online environment! Questions? Contact us: Michele – State Library of Iowa Karen – Southwest Iowa Library Service Area