8th MARCH WORKING WOMEN’S DAY Karen Casame Daniela Cardoso Victoria Vargas
As we know nowadays there are a lof of activities and actions people all over the world take part. In this case we are going to tell about courageous women all over the world. For this reason we’re going to talk you about the profession of Fotography.
Let’s get in this profession of being a photografer and sort the type of work that exists: TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Photography Politics Culture Photography Sports Photography
Social Photography Artistic photography Photojournalism Commercial and advertising photography
Siddiq Barmak She born in September 7, 1962 in Panjshir, Afghanistan. She is a film director and producer. She has written scripts for some and made some short films. Her first film Osama won the Golden
Globe for Best Foreign Film in Barmak is also director of the Movement for Afghan Children Education (ACEM), an association that promotes literacy, culture and the arts. Barmak is one of the Persian movie celebrities and pop cinema of Afghanistan.
She is well-known because of her photography film OSAMA. OSAMA is the first filmografy made in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban. Above all the shooting had been banned. The film was filmed in a Kabul, Afghanistan. Besides, the protagonist is not an actress, the producer was found in the streets of Kabul. Last, the recording lasted a year ( ).
SUGGESTS THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN SOME CULTURES LIKE: Social discrimination suffered by women in some primitives cultures. The ideas of freedom and equality contained in the Declaration Universal Human Rights O.N.U. The struggle of women to achieve a relationship of equality with man, achieved in developed countries, yet there much to do around the world. Freedom of women to decide their fate.
"I can’t forget but I can forgive" Mandela "I wish God had not created women" "Men and women are equal, both are equally unfortunate “ "People believe what they see" "A man in a burqa looks like a woman, a woman with short hair, trousers and hat looks like a man "