Planning Performance Agreements and Extensions of time Date: September


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Presentation transcript:

Planning Performance Agreements and Extensions of time Date: September

PPAs and EoT agreements Timely decisions are important. But not at all costs. PPAs & EoTs are part of the answer…but must live within a good overall offer They aren’t just a way of improving performance stats, but part of a good service Not a ‘sign here or else’ ( withdraw or refusal) approach

Tools are part of a bigger picture Need a clear pre-app ‘offer’ Clarity and confidence: –Starts with pre-app: purpose, start and end, outputs, cost –How you’ll work with developers –Offer which fits the scale of proposal A good quality pre-app leads quickly to a PPA if that is appropriate, or makes it easier to ‘rescue’ (manage the end date) of a scheme later with a EoT

The difference between the two PPAs – before submission of the application (ideally early on during the scoping and shaping of a scheme) EoT – after an application has been registered, but before 8/13 (16) week point

PPAs can help address different areas Pre-app discussions (early identification of issues) Project management (efficient and timely processing) Relationships (applicants, community, councillors) Resources (exceptional schemes/ extra resources)

National Planning Policy Framework (para 195) “Applicants and local planning authorities should consider…entering into planning performance agreements, where this might achieve a faster and more effective application process.”

Planning Performance Agreements A framework. Memo of understanding (not a legal agreement), signed before application submitted. Proportionality – match the complexity of the agreement to the issues you have to consider Agreement – they need to take account of both the needs of the applicant and the council but help establish a shared objective (but not an agreement to grant)

Planning Performance Agreements Project management tool: –tasks (who is doing what) –timings, including determination date* –basic principles of joint working –resources/financial matters (pre-app charge, extras) –info to include in the application *only thing they have to have

Why? Influence over the determination date Avoid fee refund (planning guarantee) Improves quality of the application process (on all sides) Collaborative working (trust, transparency) Better value in the long term: –Less objection, more support –Avoidance of refusals and appeals Better certainty through Member involvement

When? Strategic (meet objectives in the plan) EIA Complex sites (land ownership/mixed uses) Controversial Unusual – extra expertise Environmental sensitivity Non-standard planning obligations

A developer said: “ brings key partners together, allocates the right people (and the right number of people) to the right groups, and helps towards establishing a shared vision….and helps the LPA move from development control to being more enabling” Landowner involved in a PPA

A local authority said A PPA will: help limit the bureaucratic nature of planning promotes shared objectives, visions and goals allow flexibility for all involved build trust and strong partnerships give a genuine voice to local communities establish transparency and more certainty result in a well informed and robust decision

PPAs - tips Get agreement to the approach (Council, development sector, other stakeholders) Part of your service offer Keep away from legal Don’t overcomplicate Use it as a live project plan Have the processes which will deliver the project

Extension of time agreements Similar, but for post application stage. Managing end date; not last minute scramble And will most likely cover less (proportionate) Principles are the same: –Signed agreement –Timescales Will set a new date for determination (and counted for PS2 returns) Shouldn’t be used all the time as an ‘excuse’

PAS ongoing work Cross sector group on pre-app, PPAs EoT will refine and improve Performance Framework Learning from benchmark