Welcome to Years 1 & 2 Calculation Evening
Mental Methods Years 1 & 2 use many practical methods to solve a variety of problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children will learn to develop their mental strategies. Emphasis on children developing their reasoning skills e.g. sometimes, always never. Convince me…, Prove it.
Read, write and interpret mathematical statements using symbols +, -, = Represent and use number bonds and related addition facts within 20 (know number bonds to 10 by heart) 0+10=10 1+9=102+8= 10
Using number bonds (number pairs) = = = 100
= = 10+10=
Addition is commutative e.g = 13 3+10=13 13 =
Partitioning ++ +
Singapore bar model ks_addition_subtraction.html
Near doubles Think of then add 1
Add near multiples of 10 and adjusting Think of then -1
Bridging through
Finding the difference between… Provide children with a range of equipment. Teach them to explore different strategies. 6 - 2= ?
Number line
Counting up 33 – 29 =
Partitioning 54 – 23 = 50 – 20 = 4 – 3 =
Using known number facts I know 7 – 2= 5 So =50
Adjusting the numbers, while keeping the difference 46 – 27 = Add 3 to both numbers 49 –30 =19
Children should be familiar with times tables 2,5,10’s (rapid recall of these by the end of year 2) Children should be very proficient at doubling and halving up to 20. Recognise odd and even numbers.
Use socks (link to odd and even numbers)
Represent multiplication pictorially/ use concrete objects
Multiplication linked to doubling and halving Early stages of arrays
Arrays 5 x 3 = 3 x 5=
Draw an array to show 6 x 5 =
Informal Methods Multiplication is commutative 2 x 4 = 4 x 2
Applying and reasoning What do you know about 10? = = 10
Pictorial representation 8 ÷2 = 4
15 ÷ 5 = 3
Thank you for listening