Summation of the Law – “Love the LORD your God…” Week 5
Goals – the meaning of the LAW Evaluate the purpose and content of the Decalogue and Book of the Covenant Analyze the relationship between biblical and extra-biblical law codes. Evaluate the legal material as a major theme in Exodus.
Assignments Paper: In ONE page, based upon the readings compare the content, organization, and purpose of the ten commandments (Decalogue) with the Book of the Covenant. How is the purpose of this material interpreted in the New Testament ? Due Monday August 26th (11:59pm CST)
Assignments Paper: In ONE page analyze the similarities and differences between the Law Code of Hammurabi and the laws in Exodus Do they share a common purpose? In addition add a paragraph explaining why the two codes may share similar laws and language. Due Monday August 26th (11:59pm CST)
QUESTIONS? Rubrics and Dues dates are under course resources On Papers – be sure to include: an introduction, conclusion, and personal reflection/analysis. An effective way to do a comparison paper is to create a chart with a box for discussion. Feel free to call or me with questions