Rome and the Rise of Christianity Chapter 1 Section 3
Question ► What did modern culture get from Greek Society?
1. The Roman State ► A. Society Romans took over Mediterranean 1. Early Rome was divided into to orders: ► A) patricians: ruling class, great land-owners ► B) plebians: less wealthy craftsmen, merchants, and small farmers 2.Rome overthrew its last king and became a Republic -no king and certain citizens had the right to vote Both plebians and patricians could vote, but only the patriciate could hold office
2. The Struggle of Orders ► 1. Plebian Revolution Plebians gained the power to pass laws for all Roman citizens Equality under the law for all citizens Roman citizens chose representatives to their assemblies
3. Roman Law ► 1. The Twelve Tables Romes 1 st law code ► 2. The Law of Nations Similar to American law system innocent until proven guilty people allowed to defense before a judge judge that looked carefully at evidence)
4. Influence of Roman Empire ► 1. The Empire Begins 1 st Century A.D., Rome becomes an empire ► 2. Caesar Augustus After a civil Caesar Augustus takes over Rome created the Roman Empire btwn 14 and 180 A.D. ► 3. Pax Romana After the Civil War, long period of peace Rome extended citizenship to all in the empire
► 4. Latin Educated citizens spoke Latin throughout the empire Became the official language of trade ► The birth and expansion of Christianity occurred within the Roman Empire
5. The Development of Christianity ► A. Jesus of Nazareth Born in Bethlehem Preached throughout Jerusalem Jews thought that he was trying to change their religion ► B. Jesus’ teachings Transformation of the inner self Love God above all thins Love others as yourself
► C. Jesus’ Death Misunderstandings about his teaching Some thought that he wanted to lead a revolt Pontius Pilate gave the order to have Jesus crucified His followers claimed that he rose from the dead Also claimed that he was the Messiah prophesied about in the Old Testament
► D. Roman Reaction to Xianity Little reaction at first Xians refused to worship Roman gods or celebrate holidays Nero set fire to Rome and blamed it on the Xians
6. Why Was Christianity so Popular? ► It was a personal religion as opposed to Roman beliefs ► Offered everyone eternal life ► Contained elements familiar in many religions, which made it easy to understand ► Fulfilled the human need to belong ► Especially attractive to the poor and powerless
7.Roman and Christian Values ► Both encouraged virtue ► Both encouraged duty to the community and the state ► Christianity began to change in some ways and became Catholicism ► The Catholic church became an institution that was an avenue between the individual and God ► Christianity was dangerous because Christians would obey the law as long as it didn’t violate their conscience