Court Services A Continuum of Behavioral, Therapeutic and Supervision Programs
Court Services Alternatives to Incarceration Electronic Monitoring and/or Global Positioning Satellite Transdermal Alcohol Detection Day Reporting Pretrial Intervention Deferred Prosecution Agreements Court Services Alternatives to Incarceration
State Attorney’s office provides structure to the program entry process Public Defender’s office supports client interest External Treatment providers are involved in the court Treatment Courts Stakeholder Process Public Defender’s office supports client’s interest State Attorney’s office provides structure to the program entry process External Treatment providers are involved in the Court process
Drug Court Provides community supervision of Court involved drug offenders Supervises participants a minimum of one year, while they engage in substance abuse and mental health treatment and other services to reduce criminogenic risk To graduate, participants must be engaged in substance abuse treatment for at least one year and prove to be drug free through urinalysis testing for at least six months Drug Court
Completion of Diversion Track results in dismissal of charges by the State Attorney and no felony criminal history Completion of Post-Plea Track results in disposal of charges as established by terms of the plea agreement Court Services operates a drug testing laboratory (1.0 FTE) and integrates operations with Mental Health Court/Felony Forensics and Veterans Treatment Court Programs. Drug Court
Mental Health Court Mental Health Court works with approximately 40 defendants arrested for misdemeanor and some approved felony offenses Is a partnership of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, defense attorneys, State Attorneys and treatment providers Serves as a pre-adjudication diversion program in which the charges of the defendants who successfully complete Mental Health Court will be dismissed Participation is voluntary and the average length of the program is from six to twelve months Mental Health Court
Division 5 defendants are determined incompetent to proceed and/or are developmentally disabled Division 5 cases may vary and remain in this Court up to 5 years. – Without linking this population to services, they would continue to cycle through the system, leading to increased admissions to the jail or mental health facilities Defendants are referred to an appropriate treatment provider, receive competency restoration training and monitor their progress while in treatment Mental Health Court
Veterans Treatment Court VTC acts as a Diversion and Post Plea program for offenders who meet the definition of a veteran defined by F.S. 1.01(14) or a service member defined by F.S (19) Qualified applicants have military service-related mental illness, traumatic brain injury, substance abuse disorder or a psychological problem, and charged with a misdemeanor or qualified felony offense The program design conforms to the existing Drug Court model and incorporates the 10 Key Components outlined by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and Veterans for Justice Veterans Treatment Court
The Department provides community supervision, case management oversight, drug testing, and treatment/service coordination with the Veterans Administration's Justice Outreach Coordinator to meet the veteran's needs Completion of the Diversion Track results in dismissal of the charges by the State Attorney and no felony criminal history Completion of the Post-Plea Track results in the disposal of charges as established by the terms of the plea agreement Participation is voluntary and is a minimum of one year in duration Veterans Treatment Court
Why We Have VTC First Veterans Court was created in Buffalo, NY under the Drug Court model In 2012, Florida Legislature established law to create Veterans Courts in Florida Senator Bradley secured earmarked funding for Alachua County Presiding Judge Roundtree agreed to create Alachua County Veterans Court Court Services signed on to provide continuity of operations in that veteran clients were previously supervised by Drug Court or Mental Health Court Alachua County Veterans Court became operational in November, Why We Have VTC
Treatment Court Outcomes Drug Court
Why We Have VTC Treatment Court Outcomes Veterans Treatment Court Mental Health Court From 2011 to 2015, had 202 defendants participate in the program. 157 participants successfully completed the program and 45 closed unsuccessfully by EOY Approximately 77% completion over 4 years