Singlet oxygen: From discovery to natural and biologically active product synthesis November, th 2005 By Isabelle Bonnaventure Literature Meeting
Presentation Outlook
Discovery of 1 O 2 and use as a reagent
Properties of 1 O 2
Generation of 1 O 2
Reaction Overview
Ene reaction: Introduction
Ene reaction: Mechanism
Ene reaction: “cis effect”
Ene reaction: “cis effect” in styrene derivatives
Ene reaction: large group non-bonded effect
Ene reaction: bulky subtituents
Ene reaction: gem dimethyl/diethyl trisubstituted olefins
Ene reaction: hydroxyl group directing effect
Ene reaction: EWG at vinylic and allylic position
Ene reaction: cyclic molecules
Ene reaction: diastereoselectivity?
Comparison with other -oxidation methods
[4+2] cycloaddition
[2+2] cycloaddition
[4+2], [2+2] cycloaddition or ene reaction ?
Ene reaction: application
[4+2] cycloaddition: application
[2+2] cycloaddition: application