Makda Kelib Social Work Intern 2016
Why Social Work?
Seafarers Union Hall NJ (Fridays) Assisted 31 Seafarers 18 Seafarers SIH 13 Seafarers SIU
Common Issue: Filing for unemployment The State of Virginia Labor Department -Due to the move of the Union Hall, it has not been recognized as a union in Virginia State Thus making it difficult for Seafarers to collect unemployment. *Contacted Virginia State Labor Department officials *Advocated on behalf of Seafarers to staff at the Union Hall *Currently in the process of being resolved
❖ Case Study: Mr.Fred*, is a long time seafarer who has also served his time in the military. He came to Seafarers International House because he needed a safe, quiet place to stay. This client wasn't able to return to the maritime industry due to health limitations. He came to seek support from us at SIH in regards to seeking disability status and permanent housing. In partnership with the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs we spent hours assisting, listening and advocating for him. As of January 1rst he is now in Veterans subsidized housing and is awaiting his disability classification. He comes to SIH everyday to check in and receive encouragement.
Sojourner Guests ❖ During my time at SIH, we've had a total of 11 Anti- trafficking guest stay a total of 184 days* ❖ At the Charitable impact of $16,560 ❖ Bellevue/NYU, and Safe Horizon ❖ Case Study Ms. Faith was a woman who was with child, she was referred to SIH by a social worker from Bellevue./NYU. Prior to her arrival here she was sleeping in the streets for months. She only spoke French, however when I would come across her in the mezzanine area she would greet me with a smile and a wave. Although she was unable to verbally communicate with me, her gestures, and presence spoke louder. *(2015/2016)
❖ Case Study Miriam* was an elderly woman who was referred to SIH by Safe Horizon, a nonprofit human trafficking rescue agency. After being rescued from an unimaginable situation, Miriam regained confidence here at SIH, she frequently talked to the front desk, housekeeping staff, visited me in my office to discuss her case, along with visiting Rev. Marsh. I assisted Miriam in locating local soup kitchens, clothing referrals, connected her to agencies that assisted the elderly, along with maintaining close contact with her case manager at Safe Horizon. Miriam has now transitioned out of Seafarers International House and is staying in a specialized shelter in Brooklyn for vulnerable women. *A detailed story on Miriam is on our 2016 Winter Newsletter.
Asylum Seekers
ASYLUM SEEKERS ( ) Total of Asylum seekers: 12 Total of nights: 305 (rate of $90 a night) Total: $27,450
Detention Center Visitation Program -Elizabeth Detention A friendly visitor can help detained immigrants cope with the stress and isolation of detention and be a link to the “outside” world. One visit alone can provide an individual with knowledge that there is someone with whom they can share their concerns, someone who cares for their welfare amidst hopelessness and confusion. *Outreached to 3 ELCA Lutheran churches *Number of volunteers who visited: 36 * Number of visits conducted: 6 *Number of detainees visited: 14 *Number of total visits to detainees: 30
❖ Outreached -Churches -Hunter Students -Family & Friends -Continued communication with previous volunteers
❖ Case Study - Mr. Uzo is a young individual who fled Nigeria, because he feared his life, and knew he would be persecuted based on his sexual orientation. Since he was released from detention he has been striving exponentially. He now lives in NJ, and currently has two job interviews lined up for him in NYC.
“I want to use this medium to express my profound gratitude to Seafarers International House for their support and sheltering me during my stay there as a new Migrant. I am so grateful and my heart is so full with gratitude. Thanks a lot and God bless you all as you keep doing the good work for Migrants.” -Kenneth (2016)
Getting Started Fund Collecting donations to help Asylum Seekers with their first expenses upon releasement, such as metrocards, food, personal hygiene products, and clothing. Sponsor an Asylum Seeker for $200 $30 for Goodwill thrift store gift card $40 for Metrocards $40 Trader Joe gift card Rev. Marsh would able to take donations at the end of this meeting via Credit card, Debit or Cash