Section 1 Civilizations of Mesoamerica
A ball court in Monte Albán Mesoamerican Ball Game A Ballcourt goal (tlatchtemalacatl) A modern player of the game Ulama. The game is often likened to netless volleyball, and the ball is hit off of the hip.
Mesoamerica consisted of Mexico Central America Theories of Migration People migrated from Siberia through Alaska by way of Land bridge Humans followed herds of animals across the bridge Others believe people came along the coast using small boats Settlement
Had to adapt to different climates rainforests, deserts, treeless lands, mts. Neolithic people learned to farm populations grew > cities developed Adaptation
Olmecs Located tropical rainforests on the Gulf Coast of Mexico Not much known about them Priests and nobles > top of society Most Olmec art is carved stone Known as “mother culture”
250 A.D. Mayan Golden Age > Classical Period Developed two farming methods in rainforest Burned forest and cleared the area for farming Built raised fields to counter annual floods Never built an empire instead had powerful city-states Smaller city-states governed by larger ones City-states connected through economic exchange Mayans
Mayan Society Ruler Nobles Supported ruler military leaders Scribes, painters, and sculptors Highly respected Merchants > middle class Majority were farmers Some slaves
Mayan Culture Made advances in learning & arts Art is evident in their towering temples Stela > sculpted tall stone monument Developed writing system Developed accurate 365 day solar calendar Also created a number system > concept of 0
Mayans abandoned their cities Theories Frequent warfare Overpopulation > exhausted soil Remoteness allowed them to survive encounter with Spanish Millions of Maya people today Mayan Decline
Aztecs Settle Nomadic people from the north migrated to the Valley of Mexico Aztec name comes from birthplace Aztlan Capital city > Tenochtitlan (area of Mexico City)
Aztec Farming Farm on lake environment > chinampas? “floating gardens”
Aztecs expand empire Fierce conquests & shrewd alliances Tribute made empire rich Government Aztecs had a single ruler Many social classes Nobles Warriors Priests Middle Class > Traders Commoners > farmers > majority of pop. Serfs and slaves Aztecs
Aztec Religion Polytheistic Teotihuacan > important religious city Sacrifices to the sun to make it rise Usually prisoners of war
Priests recorded laws and historical events 365 day solar calendar Made advances in astronomy, math, and medicine Example > steam bath to cure certain illnesses Still use today Aztec Knowledge