7th Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes The Maya
Mayan Hierarchy
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes: Terms obsidian Pacal
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes Heading 1 Geography Affects Early Maya Maya civilization in Mesoamerican lowlands 1000 BC; thick forests; forest (negative): lots of cutting for farming; forest (plus): resources, food, building; Maya lived in villages, traded woven cloth & obsidian; AD 200 first large cities in Mesoamerica.
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes Heading 1 Performance Task: Turn to your partner and take turns sharing a resource one can find in the rainforest. Geography Affects Early Maya
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes Heading 2 Maya Classic Age Classic Age, AD 250 to 900; +40 cities w/ 5,000 to 50,000 people; built large stone pyramids, temples, palaces; Lowlands: crops, wood products; some honor kings, i.e. Pacal; Highlands: valuable stones like jade, obsidian;
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes Heading 2 Maya Classic Age 1. Written language 2. Large stone pyramids Question: Which of the following did the Olmecs and the Mayans have in common? 3. Central government.
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes Heading 2 continued Maya Classic Age built canals for irrigation; celebrated ruler’s life; separate rulers each city, warred constantly; no central government; terraced hillsides for crops; warring: constant, violent, brutal, possible end to Mayan culture.
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes Heading 2 continued Maya Classic Age 1. They had a strong central government with a king. Question: Which of the following three statements is the best comparison with ancient Greece? 2. They lived in separate city-states and fought with each other constantly. 3. They believed in a democratic government of the people.
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes Heading 3 Maya Civilization Declines Maya’s culture began collapsing 900s AD; Theory 1: overplanting, soil problems; Theory 2: commoners tired of building, etc.; Theory 3: too much war. Theory 4: drought They stopped building and left the cities.
Chapter 14-2 Cornell Notes Heading 3 Maya Civilization Declines Question: Which of the following three theories of the Maya collapse is probably incorrect? Theory 1: invasion by barbarians Theory 2: slave labor Theory 3: constant warfare