7 th Chapter 14-1 Cornell Notes Geography and Early Cultures.


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Presentation transcript:

7 th Chapter 14-1 Cornell Notes Geography and Early Cultures

Chapter 14-1 Cornell Notes: Terms Mesoamerica corn

Chapter 14-1 Cornell Notes Geography of the Americas Heading 1 New World: North America + South America; Mesoamerica: includes Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras,etc.; fertile farmland, 1 st domesticated crops. hunter-gatherers 1 st people;

Chapter 14-1 Cornell Notes The First People Arrive Heading 2 1 st Americans from Asia, land bridge/sea, ~12,000 B.C.; some moved frequently; others settled near coast to fish or farm rich lands. hunter-gatherers ate game/fruits/nuts/wild grains;

Chapter 14-1 Cornell Notes Farming and Settlement Heading 3 farming: people stay in one place; seed experimentation leads to farming; 3500 B.C. growing maize, squash, beans; more food = more people = towns/cities, religion//art//trade//government/ develops.

Chapter 14-1 Cornell Notes Farming and Settlement Heading 3 continued some in cities w/ government + religion; Olmec 1 st mesoamericans live in villages; built pyramids, huge stone sculptures, trading network; possibly 1 st written language, calendar, maize farming spread.

It was found in 1908 at a Minoan palace in Crete. They have not been deciphered to this day. Both sides of the clay disk are imprinted with signs stamped in a spiral fashion, grouped in sets of 2 to 7 symbols divided by vertical lines. There are a total of 241 symbols of which 45 are unique depicting familiar objects like people, animals, weapons and plants.