Raised in Colorado BA in Early Childhood Education MA in Curriculum Instruction and Design 3 rd year teaching 3 rd grade at French 2 boys, girl on the way
Tips for a Successful 3 rd Grade Year Tips for a Successful 3 rd Grade Year Remember….when in doubt…..ask to find out
Students: -Fill out their own planners -Pack their own bags -Collect their work returned and bring it home. -Are responsible for their own work in class and at home.
The 3 Main Keys R….. respect R….. responsibility S….. safety Taught in all areas Pg. 4 in Handbook
3 rd Grade is Hard Work! Brains will grow
WANT A PANDA PRIDE AWARD? RRS – RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY AND SAFETY HOMEWORK Students must turn in their homework and on time!!!! Classwork is complete Positive Attitude Try your best Have a GROWTH Mindset Panda Pride Awards are based first on Effort and Citizenship, higher levels are gained through academics
Sign nightly Students are responsible for getting parents to sign! Use as a “messenger” to ask questions a Great Tool for communication This is a practice to help learn how to be successful later!
Homework Reading Log 30 minutes a night - given Friday -due on the following Friday Spelling Homework *words go home on Monday *study at home to prepare for test on Friday * Check my webpage for ideas on how to practice. Math *Tear out a page a day CAN be also digital Check Friday returned work for any “need to redo” work
2 nd Recess / Super Star Recess 2 nd recess Earned through daily work completion Super Star Recess Earned through weekly homework completion and positive classroom behavior Extra Recesses are ALL Recess or Work Time
Friday Folder/planner All graded work/ flyers will go home every Friday in students folder/planner Assignments that score below proficient can be corrected and turned in for correction points Proficient = 85%
Stress positives ◦ Character Cash ◦ Paw Tickets Card System ◦ Phone call home for repeated or severe issues Quarterly Reward ◦ Character Cash saved for 3 rd grade flea market each quarter More information will follow as the date approaches
Follow a Monday- Friday plan If it is a shorter week students will still test on Friday Spelling also follows this plan
Reading Reading Log Every Night -front and back side -complete sentences unless it asks to list *remember name* Friday to Friday
Math Pearson Math Curriculum focus on Common Core Online and in Print Homework = daily practice at home MATH FACT FLUENCY Practice addition, subtraction, and multiplication at home
Scott Foreman Science Rocks and Minerals = Garden of Gods Field trip Geology Project Social Studies Pearson ----My World Throughout the year Science and Social Studies are incorporated into our reading/ math
Birthdays Trans-fat laws in place Parents can bring treats O trans-fat -must be in a sealed container with labels -24 hours of advanced notice
Remember….when in doubt…..ask to find out French website- teacher page is a great place to get any and all information.