Quarterly Update Q3 2015 Film4. Film4 Highlights Film4 reaches more ABC1 Men on a monthly basis than competing media (cinema, Empire & FHM) The top 10.


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Presentation transcript:

Quarterly Update Q Film4

Film4 Highlights Film4 reaches more ABC1 Men on a monthly basis than competing media (cinema, Empire & FHM) The top 10 films on Film4 in Q3 were shown at 9pm. Film4 continues to be the biggest film channel, reaching more than the Sky Movies channels combined Source: BARB/Advantedge Q Q Top films (000s) based on individuals. GB TGI 2015 Q4 (July 2014 – June 2015) base = adults, viewers defined as all adults who state Film4 as 1 st favourite channel Prometheus was the top film in Q (899k), followed by Men in Black II (794k) and The Impossible (780k) Film4 fans are 21% more likely than the average adult to agree that they are tempted to buy products they’ve seen advertised Film4 had an average monthly reach of 23.4m for individuals in Q3 30 films on Film4 managed to exceed 500K viewers, compared with 43 in quarter Monthly share peaked in August at 1.58%, which was the highest month of 2015 so far

Audience Insight

Film4 has a strong male profile Source: BARB/Techedge, Q – Q (full 12 months), profile base = 16+

Source: BARB/Advantedge. Q Q (full 12 months), reach condition = 3 consecutive mins. Film4 continues to achieve more than the combined reach of all Sky Movies

…and has a higher monthly reach ABC1 Men Average Monthly Reach (000s) Q than competing media Source: BARB/Advantedge Q – Q GB TGI 2015 Q4 (July 2014 – June 2015) base = ABC1 Men (cinema reach defined as ABC1 men who state they visit the cinema once a month or more, Magazines = AIR – read in the last 4 weeks)

Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q Highest Occurrence, Adults 16+ Top Rating Films Adults Rank Programme TitleDateTVR'000 (AVG) 1 PROMETHEUS (2012)13/08/ THE IMPOSSIBLE (2013)06/08/ MEN IN BLACK II (2002)02/08/ COLOMBIANA (2011)05/07/ THE HUNGER GAMES (2012)31/08/ BRIDESMAIDS (2011)08/08/ MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II (1999)28/07/ I GIVE IT A YEAR (2013)27/07/ PAUL (2011)17/07/ G.I. JOE: RETALIATION (2013)24/09/

Source: GB TGI 2015 Q4 (July 2014 – June 2015) base = all adults, viewers defined as all adults who state Film4 as 1 st favourite channel Film4 viewers are commercially Film4 Viewers… Are commercially receptive “Enjoy TV Ads as much as Programmes” (Index=160) “Advertising helps me chose what I buy” (Index=113) “Tv ads are interesting to talk about” (Index=121) “I’m tempted to buy products I’ve seen advertising” (Index=121) “I Tend to buy products from companies who sponsor TV programmes” (Index=130) Are influenced by celebrity endorsement “Celebrities Influence my purchase decisions” (Index=178) ‘In enjoy watching ads featuring my favourite celebrities” (Index 148) receptive

Other Research

Source: Mintel: Cinemas – UK – November 2014 Continuing advances in the quality of home audio-visual equipment (77% have an HDTV, with 4K now available and likely to become more accessible to the mass market in the next few years, while 23% have a surround sound home cinema system) mean that people increasingly have access to a home entertainment experience capable of dissuading them from choosing to go to the cinema. Increasing quality of home entertainment technology

What’s coming up Q4 2015

Coming up in Q4 Some blockbuster hits coming up in Q4, including Life of Pie, Zero Dark Thirty and Iron Man 2 Life of Pi Iron Man 2 Insidious: Chapter 2 How I Live Now The Purge Wolfcop ‘71