Ideal World/World of Forms
c B.C.E. Athens, Ancient Greece Teacher of Aristotle Influenced by Socrates, Heraclitus, Parmenides and the Pythagoreans. Most Reliable source on Socrates Most Famous work The Republic Theories on ethics, political philosophy, epistemology and metaphysics are very interconnected
What are the basic structures of reality? Plato theorized about reality consisting of 2 separate but connected worlds. The World of Forms and the World of Particulars.
A perfect form of everything exists in the World of Forms. World of Forms exists independent of humans and exists without us. Forms are unchanging and perfect Is not a physical space. Does not exist in time and space (transcendent). It is the Purest form of Existence possible. Archetypes/perfect examples. Can not be known by the senses, only by Pure Reason The Form/Essence is needed for particulars to exist
Forms of all types of things exist in the World of Forms ie) emotions, concepts, objects. Book, person, rat, love, justice.. Forms are not all equal. There is a hierarchy. Good is the ultimate Form because it encompasses all other forms. All particulars partake in the form of Good.
Our world, the external world Things in this world are Particulars that are based on Forms. They are simply copies/shadows Particulars may partake of many forms ie) apple, red, round, sweet Particulars are imperfect and ever-changing We recognize particulars because we know the forms. We recognize all dogs as dogs because they are all based on the Ideal Form of dog.
Ideal Dog Particular Dogs
Disagreed! Believed that in idea of ideal form but believed instead particulars being copies of the form, they have the essence of the form embedded in them. Essence is what it is to be that thing The real (form) is found within the particular.
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