1. Art for the following information Which can not be said ? A) subjects. B) it is the product of creative human mind. C ) The purpose of the art production aesthetics It is ready. D) Art precise information on objects and right b
2. Which of the following philosophy The characteristics of the information It is not ? A) It is Assemblers and integrative. B) The accumulated information is. C) it is universal. D) objects are
3. common purpose and philosophy of religion Which of the following ? A ) Nature of the people in favor of change B) explain observable phenomena C) To understand the universe and human D) to find that beautiful
4. Which of the following information the basic question of theory It is not one ? A ) able to get the correct information manager? B) direction with our good behavior what? C) What is the source of information ? D) cut our knowledge
5. Overall pass correct information people it is impossible for it Expressing flow of the following Which ? A) empiricism B) Pragmatizm C) Skepticism. D) Phenomenology
6. Which of the following, positivism one representative of the flow ? A) I. Kant B) H. Bergson C) J. Locke D ) A. Comte
7. Which of the following Plato on knowledge one opinion ? A ) the source of all our knowledge test and are habits. B) it is the source of our knowledge and reasoning tests. C) the idea of more accurate information
8. The name means " criticism " the philosophical currents of the following Which ? A) Criticism B) Positivism C) Pragmatizm D) Phenomenology
9. Which of the following phenomenology one of the proponents of the current philosophers ? A) L. Wittgenstein B) H. Bergson C) D. Hume D) E. Husserl
10 ) Which of the following is not the characteristics of scientific knowledge ? A ) be factual B) Logical be C) to generalize D ) is Subjective E ) Cumulative be
11. Which of the following science, an event that scientists The approach adopted in one representative ? A) A. G. Hempel B) H. Reichenbach C) S. Toulmin D) R. Carnap
12. Which of the following " classic understanding of science " is based Is the basic arguments ? A ) Science, the objective reality of the subject Get it. B) Science irreducible to one another. C ) Science, entirely rational
13. Which of the following scientific the step of the method It is not ? A) Determination of cases B ) Establishment of hypotheses C) to achieve the Act D ) the formation of bias
14. Which of the following scientific knowledge of the qualities that makes it worthwhile It is not ? A ) contribute to the development of society providing B ) Application of Technology C ) is relatively D) Current and reliable olmu
15). " Are there assets " to the question " There is no " as respondents current thinking of the following Which ? A) Nihilism B) Idealism C) realism D) Rationalism
17.matterruh by including self Inc. Twelve different that proponents of the Substance dualistic thinker of the following Which ? A) K. Marx B) F. Hegel C) T. Hobbes D) R. Descartes 16.matterruh by including self Inc. Twelve different that proponents of the Substance dualistic thinker of the following Which ? A) K. Marx B) F. Hegel C) T. Hobbes D) R. Descartes
18. Which of the following assets To information received from the questions addressed in philosophy Is one ? A ) the method of science should be? B) Is there an order in the universe ? C) What is the extent of the right information? D) What is the source of information ? 17. Which of the following assets To information received from the questions addressed in philosophy Is one ? A ) the method of science should be? B) Is there an order in the universe ? C) What is the extent of the right information? D) What is the source of information ?
18). Being considered that idea In the opinion of the representatives of whichever It is given together ? A) Aristotle - Plato B) Plato - T. Hobbes C) Aristotle - E. Husserl D) E. Husserl - T. Hobbes
19 ) Science philosophy with which of the following is not the common features ? A ) it is based on principles of logic in mind visit B) Description of the universe work on human Inc.. C) have regular visits consistent D) using Assay Method E) be a universal
20 ) Which of the following can not think of an idealist ? A ) The substance is thought Products B) The real will is divine will C) Article bass with thoughts, would have D) Article thinking has uncovered
21) is a common feature of the philosophy of science with which of the following ? A) Being objective B) reaching the final results C ) Experimental observation based on visits D) Presence of unidirectional as the investigation E) the actual work to reach
22) Carnap to Reichenbach, we view, can not be supported by all propositions are metaphysical sense, it is meaningless to Another words. Despite a meaningless proposition which is not supported by the following sensations ? A ) The universe was created by God. B) The soul is immortal. C) Universe The aim is again to reach God. D) There is a consciousness in the inanimate entity. E ) The numbers between minus infinity to plus infinity.
23). The Justifications put forward an argument For the rest, the process of finding grounds. This recognition is based Gore Which of the following judgment? A ) Children want to love. B) Preparatory, was an integral part of the education system. C) the car should use caution. D) Courses that have won good listening exam. E ) This summer was very hot
24) In daily life, ' Tastes and colors undisputed ' word, which is concerned with the more characteristic of the philosophy of art ? A) is Subjective B) give an aesthetic pleasure C) If the concrete D) based on the imagination
25)- There is no coincidence in the universe. Everything occurs as a result of a mechanical causality. * Sensation is a movement of ideas and the human organism. A person advocating this idea which has adopted the following opinion A) İdealism B) Dualism C) Material D) Nihilism
26)by Gorgias " There is nothing, though, it is unknowable, the inexpressible if someone else knows. " Which of the following are suitable for this opinion A ) Assets field is required. B) Being is constantly changing. C) being the source is ideal. D) assets is the only constant. E) entity is not.
27)One of the metaphysics of the following questions which can not be A ) Is there life after death ? B) How is the relationship between soul and body ? C) What are the characteristics of the biological nature of man ? D) Does the universe have a beginning ?
28) According to Plato, the world of the senses in which we live, is an ideal reflection of the world where the real presence. Plato's thought system which is called by the following A) materialism B) dualism C) entüisyonalizm D) nihilizm
29) soil is thrown into plants as opposed to seeds, plants and gives the product itself is eliminated. This is explained by which of the following concepts A) idea B) dialectical C) form D) nihilism E) phenomenology
30)Which of the following is a question of ontology ? A ) Are there limits to knowledge ? B) What are the conditions of ideal social order ? C) What is the essence of the existing ? D) director at Human free moral action ?
CEVAPLAR 1)D. 11)C. 21)E 2)D. 12)B. 22)E 3)C. 13)D. 23)E 4)B. 14)C. 24)D 5)C. 15)A. 25)A 6)D. 16)D. 26)C 7)C. 17)B. 27)E 8)A. 18)A. 28)C 9)D. 19)D. 29)E 10)D. 20)D. 30)C TUNAHAN DÜZGÜN