NOTEPAD++ Lab 1 1 Riham ALSmari
Why Notepad++ ? Syntax highlighting Tabbed document interface Zooming Indentation code Find and replace over multiple documents 2 Riham ALSmari
How to make HTML File Using Notepad++ ? 1. Open Notepad ++ Start All programs Notepad ++ Notepad ++ OR Notepad ++ shortcut 3 Riham ALSmari
How to make HTML File Using Notepad++ ? 2. Save the file File Save as Change the extension to html : Or 5 Riham ALSmari
How to make HTML File Using Notepad++ ? Riham ALSmari 6 3. View the webpage Double click on the “new 4” file The webpage will display in the default web browser.
How to make HTML File Using Notepad++ ? Riham ALSmari 7
How to make HTML File Using Notepad++ ? Riham ALSmari 8 4. Edit the file Write click in the file Edit With Notepad++
Example Riham ALSmari 9
HTML Tags HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags HTML tags are keywords (tag names) surrounded by angle brackets like HTML tags normally come in pairs like and The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag The end tag is written like the start tag, with a forward slash before the tag name Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags Riham ALSmari 10
The Structure of an HTML File The opening tag marks the start of an HTML document, and the closing tag tells a browser when it has reached the end of that HTML document Anything between these two tags makes up the document content, including all other elements, text, and comments Riham ALSmari 11
The Structure of an HTML File An HTML document is divided into two main sections: the head and the body The head element contains information about the document, for example the document title or the keywords The content of the head element is not displayed within the Web page The body element contains all of the content to appear on the Web page The title element contains the page’s title A document’s title is usually displayed in the browser’s title bar Riham ALSmari 12
Adding Comments The comment tag adds notes to your HTML code Comments can be spread over several lines Riham ALSmari 13
Working with Block-Level Elements Heading elements are block-level elements that contain the text of main headings on the Web page To mark a heading, enter content n is an integer between 1 and 6 is the largest heading is the smallest heading To mark a paragraph, enter content To mark a block quote, enter content 14
Adding and Markup Tags Riham ALSmari 15
Riham ALSmari 16
Marking Paragraph Elements Riham ALSmari 17
Riham ALSmari 18
White Space and HTML White space is the blank space, tabs, and line breaks within the file HTML treats each occurrence of white space as a single blank space Riham ALSmari 19
White Space and HTML Any text between the opening tag and the closing tag will preserve the formatting of the source document. Riham ALSmari 20 Welcome to CS543 course! Welcome to CS543 course!
Marking a Block Quote The syntax for making an extended quote is content Riham ALSmari 21
Marking a List HTML supports three kinds of lists: ordered, unordered, and definition You use an ordered list for items that must appear in a numerical order You use an unordered list for items that do not need to occur in any special order One list can contain another list This is called a nested list Riham ALSmari 22
Riham ALSmari 23
Creating an Ordered List 24
Creating an Ordered List Using the type Attribute to select numbers, letters, or roman numerals in ordered lists. 25
Creating an Ordered List 26
Using the start Attribute to change the starting numbers in ordered lists. Creating an Ordered List 27
Creating Unordered List 28
Creating a Definition List External sourcs 29
Nesting Lists 30
Using Other Block-Level Elements HTML supports the address element to indicate contact information Most browsers display an address element in an italicized font, and some right-justify or indent addresses Riham ALSmari 31
Riham ALSmari 32
Working with Inline Elements An inline element marks a section of text within a block-level element Often used to format characters and words Also referred to as character formatting elements Riham ALSmari 33
Working with Inline Elements Boldfaced text: ….. Italicized text: …. Underlined text: …. Deleted text: … Quoted text: …. Riham ALSmari 34
Working with Inline Elements Riham ALSmari 35
Working with Inline Elements Big text: ….. Small text: …. Subscripted text: …. Superscripted text: … Riham ALSmari 36
Working with Inline Elements Riham ALSmari 37
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Working with Empty Elements An empty element contains no content Empty elements appear in code as one-sided tags The one-sided tag to mark a line break is The horizontal rule element places a horizontal line across the Web page Riham ALSmari 39
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THE END Lab 1 Riham ALSmari 41