Key Stage 2 SATs Parents’ Meeting Wednesday 4 th March 2015
When are the tests? Monday 11th May Tuesday 12th May Wednesday 13th May Thursday 14th May English reading test English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Mathematics – Paper 1 Mental mathematics test Mathematics – Paper 2 1 hour Level 6: mins 45 minutes + dictation spelling Level 6 SPAG: 30,20 and 10 mins 45 minutes 10 minutes No level 6 maths 45 minutes Level 6 maths 1 and 2 (30 mins each) A small number of children will be entered into a Level 6 Maths, Grammar and Reading test. These will be taken on the same day in addition to the level 3-5 tests. (Mon, Tues and Thurs)
What is included in each test? A mixture of questions aimed at: Year 6 pupils who are working at Levels 3, 4 and 5 Tests are sent away for marking
What is included in the Reading test? Reading The reading test will focus on several different text types Previous tests have included story extracts, letters, poetry, interviews and instructions No part of the test may be read to pupils, other than general instructions Pupils are allowed given an hour to read the booklet and answer questions.
How is Reading revision being organised at school? Reading comprehension skills, text retrieval, deduction etc. planned into English units Sharing of past papers, looking at the expectations of the marker – test technique! Practice reading tests
What can I do to help my child? Reading Encourage your child to read lots of books Talk to your child about what they have read: Why... ? Can you find evidence from the task to explain... ? What does that word mean? Why did the author... ? What do you think... ?
What is included in the grammar, punctuation and spelling test? Children will have 45 minutes to answer a range of short grammar and punctuation questions. Some include coming up with appropriate vocabulary, editing sentences for meaning as well as identifying word functions within a sentence.
What can I do to help my child? Short targeted questions on different aspects of sentences- that you or your child is reading. “Where is the adverb in this sentence?” “Find all the nouns in this sentence..” A quick fire round…what is a pronoun? what does an adverb do?
What is included in the Maths test? Two Written Papers (Each worth 40% of the final score) Paper A – no calculator Paper B – no calculator Mental Maths Paper (Worth 20% of final score) 20 questions from a CD Three sets of questions - some to be answered in 5 seconds, others in 10 seconds, others in 15 seconds Requires children to work out the answers in their heads, although they can do jottings on the answer sheets.
How is Maths revision being organised at school? All areas of maths are being and will be revisited Use of past questions as teaching points, activity within lessons etc. More practice tests in timed conditions Magical maths sessions
What can I do to help my child? Maths Learn / reinforce knowledge of times tables Play games that provide opportunities to add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers mentally Remember - your child may solve a question in a different way than you do. So long as your child can explain their method and achieves the correct answer this does not matter! Play games to help learn mathematical vocabulary (e.g. “I’m thinking of a shape. It has 4 equal sides but no right angles. What is it?”)
What can I do to help my child? General Use the computer for revision games and activities. We recommend: Past papers are available to download from various websites including: st_papers.aspx
What help is available for my child during the tests? All children can ask for any questions on the maths papers to be read aloud for them Children who need more support with reading will have an adult ‘reader’ who is able to read every question aloud for them The reading paper cannot be read aloud to any child however some children may work with an adult if support is necessary If a child’s response cannot easily be read by the marker (due to difficulties with spelling or handwriting) a scribe can re-write the response at the end of the test.
What will happen during SATs week? ALL CHILDREN ARE EXPECTED TO BE IN SCHOOL EACH DAY DURING SATS WEEK. PLEASE DO NOT PUT IN ANY REQUESTS FOR LEAVE. They must be in on time! Doors will be open for year 6 slightly earlier as we must be ready to start the test at 9:00am. If there is a problem please contact school immediately as there are procedures in place to help Biscuits before all tests!
What can I do to help my child during SATs week? Reassure your child - they can only do their best Allow time to talk through any concerns or worries Ensure that your child goes to bed early Have a good breakfast and ensure that your child arrives at school on time with a snack and a drink Avoid last minute cramming this will only lead to last minute worrying Continue going to Scouts, football, swimming club etc.
When and how will we know the results? The results should be sent to school by early July The results will be checked and analysed by school Test results and teacher assessments will be issued to parents with the end of year reports SAT results and teacher assessments are reported to secondary schools