Ms Burnham
Wild Card
Ms Access
General Knowledge
and the Internet
MS Access
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What toolbar item finds an unknown formula??
The symbol for cut
What is CTRL X or ? ?
The key that brings up a HELP menu.
What is F1??
A kind of file that can be imported into Access.
What is an Excel file??
Five ergonomic hints
What is: sit straight, take breaks, wrists straight, sit fully back in chair, prevent glare, clean off workspace??
The field that cannot have a blank or a duplicate.
What is a primary key??
Criteria for a query to find all words starting with “c”.
What is c*??
Criteria for a query to find all numbers between 7 and 9.
What is between 7 and 9??
In a table the word for the column heading.
What is a field??
The best data type for a date opened field.
What is date/time??
Another name for temporary memory.
What is RAM??
Four ways to prevent data loss
What are backup files, save every 5 min., use an updated antivirus prog., use a firewall, use automatic updates, use a surge protector??
A way to look at your files and folders.
What is press start/ computer??
A way to many users at once.
What is a distribution list??
Permanently delete SCS s.
What is press SHIFT and DEL. ? ?
An example of an operating system.
What is Windows VISTA, XP or MAC OS??
Reason for printer to not print.
What is no connection to network, or printer jam, or no paper??
Approx. a billion bytes.
What is a GB or Gigabyte??
Sorting from largest to smallest.
What is descending order??
Three reasons to give credit for researched work.
What is: 1. prevent plagarism 2. helps user re-find source of data context or bias of research??
Profiting from stealing personal information
What is identity theft??
You should never reveal this online.
What is personal information??
The data that a user keeps online, perhaps in facebook.
What is your electronic footprint??
A famous example of a game made by 3 rd party developers in Facebook.
What is Farmer John??
Three features of a good password.
What is 1.has letters numbers and or symbols fairly long not personal info??
A view to prepare data for printing.
What is report view??
A view to see our data online in an attractive format.
What is Form View??
A relational operator to ask a compound question. In a query.
What is “and” or “or” ? ?
In order to copy a database you must do this first.
What is close the database??
When a user first creates a database they are prompted to do this.
What is SAVE??
Final Jeopardy Category ACCESS
You use this device to make a drop down menu.
What is a combo box??