Smorgasbord! A Techno-Buffet of Hands-On Learning Activities
What Is Smorgasbord? Appetizer Soup & Salad Dinner Entrée Dessert
What Is Smorgasbord?
1. An introduction to the unit VOCABULARY. 2. A ‘light’ level of difficulty. 3. Words are selected from the TOP 50+ Vocab list. 4. Must choose at least ‘25’ vocab words. 5. Choose from the words you do not know the meaning to.
What Is Smorgasbord? Possible Activities: Vocab Little Book* (Required) Hands-On Jeopardy Hide-Away Answers Crossword Puzzle Maker Zingo Review Game
What Is Smorgasbord? Possible Activities: Vocab Little Book* (Required) People/Places/Things/E vents Chart Flash Cards (3 Different Kinds) Vocab Word Match (1 = 80-89; 2 = 90-99; 3 = 100; 4 = )
What Is Smorgasbord?
1. A ‘concentrated’ effort of study to the unit’s TEXTBOOK READINGS. 2. A ‘medium’ level of difficulty.
What Is Smorgasbord? 1.The selection is read and the student chooses important facts, ideas, people, places, events, numbers, things, dates from the readings. 2.The student will create ‘study tool’ products to help learn and remember the important items found in the text.
What Is Smorgasbord? Possible Activities: ClassNotes +3* (Required: 1 section) QuickSheets QuizPockets LockBook SlideOut Q & A PPT Jeopardy Flashcards (1 = 90-99; 2 = ; 3 = )
What Is Smorgasbord?
1. A ‘concentrated’ effort of study to the unit’s TOP 100+ FACTS. 2. A ‘medium’ level to ‘heavy’ level of difficulty. 3. The TOP 100+ Facts are read and studied.
What Is Smorgasbord? 1.The student will create ‘study tool’ products to help learn and remember the important facts. 2.Some research on the Internet and/or a CD- Rom encyclopedia may be needed to learn topic material found other than a textbook.
What Is Smorgasbord? Possible Activities: PPT Jeopardy Hands-On Jeopardy FlapBook/Circle Book/Data Disk TrackStar Hunt w/ 4SQ’s Web Report Wizard FlashCards (1 = 90-99; 2 = )
What Is Smorgasbord?
1.A fun, creative activity that applies what you have learned. 2.An ‘optional’ (Bonus Point) activity that is interesting to study and fun to make.
What Is Smorgasbord? 1.The student will create a product to help learn and remember the important facts from the unit. 2.Some research on the Internet and/or a CD- Rom encyclopedia may be needed to learn topic material found other than a textbook.
What Is Smorgasbord? Possible Activities: ABC Book/Roll Movies Take-A-Picture Pop-Up Book Super Triorama Flip-It Report/Project Poster/NewsLetter Paper Video Camera Other specific activities for the unit (1 = ) Quality is Expected!
What Is Smorgasbord? CASH CHECK CHARGE
What Is Smorgasbord? 1.All that ‘food’ has to be ‘paid’ for. 2.Will that be ‘cash, check, or charge’? 3.The student will team-up with ‘3’ others to make a Cooperative Group Presentation Team. (Some units have NO CG but everyone flies ‘solo’.) Informative-Educational Entertaining CASH CHECK CHARGE
What Is Smorgasbord? 1.Students will create a presentation to show what all the students have learned in their unit study. 2.The “Pay-the-Bill” presentation will serve as a REVIEW activity prior to the taking of the UNIT TEST. 3.Informative-Educational- Entertaining CASH CHECK CHARGE
What Is Smorgasbord? Possible Activities: *CASH = Slideshow/Podcast *CHECK = Triboard/ Scrapbook/Website *CHARGE = Movie (Four levels of difficulty) (1 = ) Quality is Expected! Solo/Partner/Trio/Quad CASH CHECK CHARGE
What Is Smorgasbord? CASH
What Is Smorgasbord? CASH = Slideshow/Podcast (PowerPoint/PhotoJam/ PhotoStory/Podcast) 1.The student will fly solo, partner-up, make a team of ‘3’ or ‘4’ to make a Presentation. 2.Some groups will choose to do a PowerPoint slideshow according to the instructions in class and in the Smorgasbord Packet. CASH
What Is Smorgasbord? CASH = Slideshow/Podcast (PowerPoint/PhotoJam/ PhotoStory/Podcast) 1.Some will choose to do a PhotoJam or PhotoStory presentation according to my instructions. 2.PhotoJam must be purchased on the Internet. 3. PhotoStory is a FREE program from Microsoft that is downloaded on your home computer. CASH
What Is Smorgasbord? CASH = Slideshow/Podcast (PowerPoint/PhotoJam/PhotoStory/Podcast) 1.Still others may decide to record a podcast according to my instructions. (Must be completed in my classroom AFTER school.) 2.The group will present using the head set microphones and sound system as an A+ Presentation Team. Use the “4 P’s for a Perfect Presentation”. (Plan-Prepare- Practice-Present) Informative-Educational-Entertaining (1 = ) Quality is Expected! CASH
What Is Smorgasbord? CHECK
What Is Smorgasbord? CHECK Triboard/Scrapbook/Website 1.The student will fly solo, partner-up, make a team of ‘3’ or ‘4’ to make a product. 2.Some groups will choose to do a total techno TRIBOARD or SCRAPBOOK according to the instructions in class and in the Smorgasbord packet. CHECK
What Is Smorgasbord? CHECK Triboard/Scrapbook/ Website 1.Some will choose to do a WEBSITE according to my instructions. You can get a FREE website and post it to the Internet at no cost by going to: CHECK
What Is Smorgasbord? CHECK Triboard/Scrapbook/Website 1.You will need to choose at least ‘4’ separate topics from the TOP 100+ FACTS handouts to research. 2.The group will present using the head set microphones and sound system as an A+ Presentation Team. Informative-Educational- Entertaining CHECK
What Is Smorgasbord? CHECK Triboard/Scrapbook/Website 1.Use the “4 P’s for a Perfect Presentation”. (Plan-Prepare-Practice-Present) Informative-Educational- Entertaining (1 = ) Quality is Expected! CHECK
What Is Smorgasbord? CHARGE
What Is Smorgasbord? CHARGE = Make-A-Movie (Windows MovieMaker; Pinacle Studio; Adobe) “Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced” 1.The student will team-up with others to make a team of ‘3’ or ‘4’ to make a video presentation. 2.Some will choose to do a VIDEO presentation using Windows MovieMaker according to my instructions. Talk Show/Game Show Interview/Reenactment CHARGE
What Is Smorgasbord? CHARGE = Make-A-Movie (Windows MovieMaker; Pinacle Studio; Adobe) “Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced” 1.MovieMaker is a FREE program from Microsoft that is already loaded on your home computer. (Other programs cost $$$!) 2. The group will need to choose ONE of the following formats for their video: Talk Show/Game Show Interview/Reenactment CHARGE
What Is Smorgasbord? CHARGE = Make-A-Movie (Windows MovieMaker; Pinacle Studio; Adobe) “Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced” The group will write their own script with many TOP 100+ FACTS worked-in and performed in a creative fashion. After the filming of the video, the group will need to decide to edit it or show it “raw” without any editing. Next, the group will BURN the video to a DVD and bring it in to Mr. A for viewing on the class projector. Informative-Educational-Entertaining (1 = ) Quality is Expected! CHARGE
This Is Smorgasbord! I hope you enjoy learning about our units of study in this FUN & EXCTING way! So sit down, look over your menu choices, and start “ordering-up” your buffet of learning activities! Viva la Smorgasbord!
THE END! Smorgasbord !