Pathways to Acceleration: Signposts for the Evaluation Committee Gifted Education Services ODE Office for Exceptional Children
Acceleration Allows students to move academically at faster pace; Designed for students interested, able and ready to learn at faster pace; and Effective, inexpensive, available to any school district.
Referrals All districts must accept referrals from students, parents, teachers, pediatricians, psychologists. Some districts solicit referrals through staff and parent communications, district Web site.
Evaluation Committee Members Principal Current Teacher Accelerated Content Teacher Parent or Legal Guardian Gifted Coordinator and/or Intervention Specialist
Principal Role Solicit or accept student referrals Provide overview of staff roles, duties Share components of building schedule May assist in evaluation committee meeting(s) facilitation
Current Teacher Role Provide information about: Student’s performance in current grade level Examples of achievement, information about social/emotional factors
Accelerated Teacher Role Inform committee of expectations for students at that grade level
Parent Role Provide information about: Social/emotional concerns Academically oriented achievements outside school
Gifted Coordinator Role Serve as acceleration coordinator and/or evaluation committee facilitator Provide information about effective acceleration practices, tools to aid in process
Psychologist Role Administer tests Interpret test results Compare test results to other students of same age, grade or ability
GIS Role If student identified as gifted, provide: Information about student’s performance under gifted instruction Academic support during transition period
Guidance Counselor Role Optional role Help mediate conflicting viewpoints Address social/emotional issues affecting student achievement
Special Education Coordinator Required if student referred for acceleration has dual exceptionalities: Help define how acceleration may be affected by student’s special education needs
Collecting Assessments Data Types: Ability tests Achievement tests Aptitude test Social/physical/emotional factors Student motivation Other data, such as KRA-L, examples of work, additional test data
Signposts for Early Entrance Use: Iowa Acceleration Scale (3 rd Edition) Test substitutions for assessing ability in very young students Achievement scores that may be converted to an aptitude score
Signposts for Whole-Grade Acceleration Use Iowa Acceleration Scale (3 rd Edition) Collect a variety of data: Ability test Achievement test Aptitude test Motivation, social/emotional factors
Signposts for Single-Subject Acceleration Use a variety of data: Ability test Achievement test in single subject Aptitude test in single subject
Guidance for Early Graduation Purpose: To provide earlier-than-typical access to full-time postsecondary educational opportunities Evaluation: Based on past academic performance; measures of achievement based on state academic content standards; successful completion of state- mandated graduation requirements
Iowa Acceleration Scale 3 rd Edition Research-based tool for: Analyzing students data Predicting student success
Reaching a Decision Use consensus to make decision to accelerate or not accelerate. If unable to reach consensus, use majority vote.
Decision Not To Accelerate If the referral was for whole-grade evaluation: consider subject acceleration as another option
Decision Not to Accelerate If the referral was for single-subject acceleration: offer enrichment opportunities
Decision Not to Accelerate If the referral was for early graduation: consider credit flexibility
The Parent Appeal Parent has right to appeal evaluation committee’s decision if not in agreement. Appeal generally made in writing to district superintendent within 30 days of committee decision.
Decision to Accelerate Next steps: Create a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP) Assign staff member (WAP facilitator) to ensure smooth implementation of acceleration
Whole Grade/Subject Acceleration WAP facilitator will: Address acquisition of minor “gaps in knowledge” Monitor student adjustment Help coordinate move to different building Provide orientation session or transition activities
Overseeing Transition Period for Early Entrance WAP facilitator will: Address fine motor skill deficits with minor accommodations Provide orientation session
Making it Permanent At end of successful transition period: Obtain parent’s or guardian’s consent to make acceleration permanent Record acceleration in student’s cumulative folder to make acceleration permanent for remainder of student’s K-12 experience
Reaching the Destination We do not have a crystal ball. We do have some good tools for predicting student success. National research projects show high success with a large majority of students accelerated after a thorough evaluation process.
Information Assouline, S., Colangelo, N., et al (2009). Iowa Acceleration Scale, 3 rd Edition. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press. Buros Institute. The Templeton National Report on Acceleration (2004). A Nation Deceived. Iowa City, IA: Belin-Blank.
Additional Information For more information: Contact: Visit ODE website,, search keyword: