Intelligence to Insight South West Public Health Residential School 22 nd September 2011 Dartington Hall
Learning objectives 1.Design a social marketing scoping phase and stay focused on a behavioural goal 2.Design the intervention to ensure a focus on the target audience 3.Understand the importance of behavioural steps in design and evaluation 4.How to use the evidence base at a strategic public health level
Agenda The six social marketing criteria. Practical application – stakeholder analysis Case study: Immunisation Practical application – exchange analysis Case study: Capturing behaviour change – love your skin Questions and answers and opportunity to use UV scanner
Social marketing National Social Marketing Centre Total Planning Process
Immunisation project Scoping Insight Competition & Exchange Stakeholder analysis Literature Review Skill mixNICE AUDIT One to one semi structured interviews STEEPLE
Literature Review - Barriers limited knowledge of the childhood immunisation programme limited knowledge and/or experience of the diseases poor understanding of the importance of immunising, including the need for boosters perceived risks and benefits – including vaccine safety concerns the influence of others e.g. family, friends Emotion-related factors – including feelings of personal responsibility and guilt use of, and trust in, immunisation information sources practicalities (e.g. commitments, minor illness in the family) socio-demographic factors (e.g. parent’s educational level, family size) professional knowledge of immunisation providers/those involved in immunisation professional concerns and misconceptions relationship between parents & healthcare professionals (trust) logistics of immunisation delivery (including information available about immunisation and clinic organisation) the “immunisation experience” – i.e. the experience of taking a child for immunisations in a primary care setting Parent Service
Immunisation project Scoping Insight Competition & Exchange Stakeholder analysis Literature Review Skill mixNICE AUDIT One to one semi structured interviews STEEPLE
Stakeholder Analysis Why bother? Understand them in relation to the behaviour change Tailor communications Time and resource management
Immunisation project Scoping Insight Competition & Exchange Stakeholder analysis Literature Review Skill mixNICE AUDIT One to one semi structured interviews STEEPLE
Skill Mix Specialists: Jackie Morse- head of infection control Tracy Fabiano – immunisation co-rdinator Research, design, methodology: Dr Sarah Tickner, specialist registrar Social Marketing Ruth Dale, social marketing manager Primary care Practice managers Market Researcher ??
Immunisation project Scoping Insight Competition & Exchange Stakeholder analysis Literature Review Skill mixNICE AUDIT One to one semi structured interviews STEEPLE
Engagement Parents and Professionals Methodology semi-structured interviews I hour participants parents semi structured telephone interviews Semi-structured interviews with stakeholders Lessons Recruit/commission Agree proposal and methodology – check ethics Sign off scripts Agree report format To transcribe or not transcribe Outputs / outcomes
Immunisation project Scoping Insight Competition & Exchange Stakeholder analysis Literature Review Skill mixNICE AUDIT One to one semi structured interviews STEEPLE
Socio-cultural Technological Economical Ecological Political Legal Ethical
Exchange Competition The offer to customer. The price of cost to the customer. Fully understanding what the person has to give to get the proposed benefit. E.g. time, effort, money. Recognising that whatever is being “offered” will always face competition. Internal and external STEEPLE - CHIP EUREKA
All stand Large enough to be economical Identifiable Relevant Accessible People move
The Blasé Busies Mum has a large family and is busy multi-tasking – co-ordinating the kids’ social agendas, as well as working. Weekends are spent either chaperoning the children off to more activities or hanging out as a family. With so many things on her mind, Mum can be forget things. She has a pile of letters and post to read, which she will get round to doing eventually. Key Barriers to Immunisation Vaccination is a low priority due to the belief that disease is a low risk Key Triggers for immunisation Understanding the disease is real Desired Behaviour Change Make time to schedule in appointments
Determined Deferrals When it comes to parenting, Mum wants to do her upmost to be a responsible and protective mother. When pregnant she spent a lot of time looking on- line about pregnancy and immunisation. She hadn’t quite made up her mind but recently, at her baby massage class, she heard another Mum talking about a child she knew who overnight ‘turned’. She has decided to put things on hold and wait to her child is 2 years old, before re-considering. Now she has decided that she feels a lot more relaxed. Key Barriers to Immunisation Concern over risks of long term, irreversible damage Key Triggers for immunisation Reassurance in the second trimester over safety Desired Behavioural Change To not delay – to conclude that the risks of not immunising outweigh the risks of delaying immunisations
Single Dosers Mum is a full time homemaker and has three children. Her eldest was born at the height of the MMR scare and she immunised her for all three separately. Her middle child caught Mumps but is up to date with Measles and Rubella vaccinations and the youngest hasn’t been immunised for any MMR yet. She is a doting but anxious Mum and relies a lot on her friends and homeopath for advice. Key Barriers to Immunisation Fearful of combined vaccinations Key Triggers for immunisation Second Trimester when Mum is carrying subsequent child Desired Behavioural Change Be happy to use combined vaccinations
Hazy Hesitants Mum returned to work recently and so at the weekends, she loves hanging out with the children. They go to the beach and swim school and when it’s a bit chilly, soft play areas. Like many working Mums, she has much to juggle and has fallen behind on the last two immunisations. The twins were poorly and had one virus after the other in the Winter. She feels a bit overwhelmed at getting back on track. She has a big presentation coming up at work next month but intends to book after that. Key Barriers to Immunisation Time poor, organisation skills and juggling priorities Key Triggers for immunisation Awareness and reminders at antenatal checks Desired Behavioural Change Immunisation to be top of list of priorities