Revision Quiz
Name four possible cultural differences in a multicultural society
Name three types of family
What is fertilisation?
At what age does immunisation usually begin? Two months/8 weeks
Give four reasons why a young baby might cry
Name five ways a birth partner could help during labour
Name three reasons why a blood test would be carried out in pregnancy ◦ Blood sugar levels ◦ HIV ◦ Rubella immunity ◦ Rhesus factor ◦ Blood group ◦ Genetic disease ◦ Haemoglobin level – can indicate anemia ◦ Hepatitis B
◦ Why is weaning not recommended until a baby is 6 months old?
◦ What are four possible signs of pre-eclampsia? Raised blood pressure Swelling of ankles (oedema) Protein in urine Severe/persistent headaches Blurred vision Abdominal/shoulder pain Nausea and vomiting
What is a concept? General notion idea/rule Eg colours, shapes, time
Name four diseases that can be prevented by immunisation ◦ Rubella/German measles ◦ Whooping cough ◦ Mumps ◦ Measles ◦ Polio ◦ Diphtheria ◦ Tetanus ◦ HIB ◦ TB ◦ Meningitis A & C
Name two types of assisted birth Forceps Ven Answers touse Caesarean section
What is an ectopic pregnancy? The fertilised egg implants itself in the fallopian tube
What is genetic counselling?
Give three reasons why a nursery would be a good child care provision for a three year old child
What do the initials EDD stand for
What is Semen a mixture of?
What is the amniotic sac filled with?
What does an amniocentesis test detect?
What is meconium?