MEAP scores and beyond
3 rd grade Math – 44% proficient. This is a 24% increase from last year’s 3 rd grade but about the same as the two years before. Angell is at 45% and the other schools are in the 60’s. Reading – 65% proficient. This is a 16% increase from last year’s 3 rd grade but about the same as the two years before. Angell is at 73% and Pattengill 79%.
4 th grade Math – 37% proficient. This is a 16% INCREASE from when they were 3 rd graders but lower than previous 4 th grade classes. 74% of these students maintained or increased their score. Angell was the next best school at 61% Reading – 69% proficient. This is a 20% increase from their 3 rd grade scores and in line with previous 4 th grade classes. 86% of these students maintained or increased their score. Angell (70%) and Pattengill (72%) were the closest to us. Writing – 35% proficient. This is down 13% from last year’s 4 th graders and significantly lower than previous years. Angell was at 39% and Pattengill at 48%.
5 th grade Math – 69% proficient. This is a 14% increase from when they were 4 th graders and significantly higher than previous years. 83% of these students maintained or increased their score. We outscored Angell (64%) and were close to Pattengill (71%) Reading – 81% proficient. This is a 10% increase from when they were 4 th graders and significantly higher than previous years. 54% maintained or increased their score. We outscored Angell (79%) while Rogers was the next ahead of us at (88%). Science – 21% proficient. This is a 5% increase from last year’s 5 th graders and higher than previous years. We outscored Rogers (13%) and Angell (18%) and were just below Pattengill (22%).
6 th grade Math – 68% proficient. This is down 2% from last year’s 6 th graders but 75% of students still maintained or increased their scores. Anderson was at 62%. Reading – 88% proficient. This is up 8% from last year’s 6 th graders with 70% maintaining or increasing their scores. Anderson was at 79%. Social Studies – 60% proficient. This is a 20% increase from last year and significantly higher than all previous years. Anderson was at 43%.
7 th grade Math - 73% proficient. This group was 70% proficient as 6 th graders. Scores on 7 th grade math have remained flat for the past three years. 70% of these students maintained or increased their score. Anderson was at 57%. Reading – 81% proficient. This group was 80% as 6 th graders. Scores on 7 th grade reading have remained relatively flat for the past three years. 53% of these students maintained or increased their score. Anderson was at 75%. Writing – 64% proficient. This is an 11% increase from last year’s 7 th graders but is not significantly higher than previous years. Anderson was at 49%.
8 th grade Math – 56% proficient. This group scored 58% in 7 th grade. However, 56% is significantly higher than previous 8 th grade testers. 77% of these students maintained or increased achievement. Anderson scored 50%. Reading – 78% proficient. This group scored 73% in 7 th grade. These scores have remained relatively flat for the past three years. 76% of students maintained or increased their achievement. Anderson scored 72%. Science – 37% proficient. This is a 5% increase from last year’s 8 th graders and significantly higher than the previous three years. Anderson scored 13%.
What does all this mean? We are showing significant growth in PYP. LLI and Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop are showing some promising signs. Norup kids and teachers are more than capable. Some gaps are closing. This may lead us out of the Focus School realm very soon. We still have a lot of work to do.
What we are doing LLI – lots of it. Erin Rice is implementing LLI Red this year. Plans to purchase LLI Gold are already in the works. ALEKS and Math Triumphs – Implementing math interventions in the PYP. Math and ELA support classes in MYP – Providing support for those students who are behind in lieu of an elective. PYP Interventions were paid for with Title I Focus funds. These funds were not diverted away from general education. We are evening out technology in this building. By the end of the year, every classroom will have a projector, document camera, and Ipad. Thanks to the PTA we will have doubled our amount of smartboards. We cannot continue to have unevenly distributed technology in this building. Learning specialists have also been provided with a set of Ipads to implement ALEKS and other interventions with to keep laptop carts in classrooms.
Scheduling Ideas - PYP Early numbers suggest two kindergarten classes with a few (3-5) schools of choice spots. Next year’s 2 nd grade can add about 6 choice spots as of today. We will offer three sections. No additional students for next year’s 3 rd and 4 th grade with three sections of each as of today. 3 rd grade might have a little room but at this time we do not plan to add. A decision needs to be made as to whether or not we run three 1st grades or three 5 th grades next fall. We would like to do the latter, however, 1 st grade numbers are coming in high.
Scheduling Ideas for MYP 6 th grade to have a reading class and a writing class for a total of 104 minutes – Pros: Increased time in writing, better transition from ELA Reader’s and Writer’s workshop – Cons: Has to replace a class – Spanish 6. – This format would eliminate the English support classes. – Increased writing opportunity is directly linked in research to increased writing achievement.
Scheduling Ideas for MYP Add a 10 week Health course to all grades with gender separation – Pros – Students need health education, drug and alcohol awareness particularly in the 8 th grade year, nutrition and diet education. – Cons – Knocks Technology back to a 10 week class, will be tough to schedule.
Scheduling Ideas for MYP Add choices for foreign language We may be able to offer Chinese I for high school credit next fall. A demand for French has also surfaced. – Pros – Allows for student choice so that we can reach more interests rather than choosing their language B for them – Cons – Will be hard to staff appropriately
Scheduling ideas for MYP Offer either Creative Writing or English 9 to advanced 8 th grade ELA students. – Pros – Allows students the opportunity to advance, meets students where they are, aligns with what we already do in math. – Cons – Criteria for who is “advanced”. More will want in than there should be.
Overall….. We seem to be headed in a very positive direction academically as a school. We still have A LOT of work to do. We will continue to carefully evaluate staff and place them in the best position for STUDENT success. New interventions take time and training to implement. However, we are already seeing some positive results. Questions???