Roger Rusack – The University of Minnesota Upgrades to the CMS detector
Outline This talk is the context of preparation for Snowmass. I want to motivate some technical developments for detectors at the high intensities that we will see at the energy frontier. 2 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Phase 1 ≤ 1.7 × cm -2.s -1 with 25 ns 2.0 × after LS2. Phase 2 5 × cm -2.s fb -1 ANL lunchtime seminar. 3
Upgrades for CMS Phase 2 Planned changes to the detector: Replace tracker. Track trigger. Complete upgrade of trigger level 1 and HLT. Likely changes of detector: Trigger level 1 readout at 1 MHz. Replace endcap EM calorimeter. Replace active components of endcap hadron calorimeter. Replace forward calorimeter 3.0 < η < ANL lunchtime seminar.
Major Sensor Issues High Pileup: events/bunch crossing with 25 ns Bx Overlapping events in the hadron calorimeter. High radiation levels: In excess of neutrons/cm 2 in forward regions of the calorimeters. Aging. If we run until 2030, much of the existing detector will be more than 25 years old. 5 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Detector Goals Maintain or improve the current performance of the detector. Benchmark standard Higgs decay channels including Higgs → γγ Improve jet tagging in forward detector for VBF. In CMS investigating precision timing as a means of vertex mitigation. ANL lunchtime seminar. 6
Radiation Levels Unprecedentedly high radiation levels in the forward direction. ANL lunchtime seminar. 7
Flux of neutrons after Phase 2. 8 >10 15 n/cm 2 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Flux in Forward Calorimeter 9 The neutron flux at 2,500 fb -1. >10 16 n/cm 2 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Ambitions: In intermediate η’s Detect both Čerenkov radiation and ionizing radiation and measure signal time all at multiple depths inside calorimeter. We need for a scintillator based detector: Detector Materials that are stable under these conditions and maintain optical transmission after flux. Photodetectors that are rad hard. Means to extract signal from the detector. ANL lunchtime seminar. 10
Possible Detector Materials. What detector materials do we know that will work at these ultra-high radiation levels. Amorphous silicon Fused silica. Some crystals. What might work Ceramics Glasses. Fluids. Meta-materials. …… 11 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Detector Materials Amorphous Silicon. Old idea for tracking dropped as charge collection efficiency was low and response to MIPs was small. Calorimetry is a different problem. See talk later in this session by Jim Kakalios on a/nc-Si:H. Crystals LYSO – good radiation tolerance reported. Light output is high Fused Silica Very stable material under high radiation. Excellent for Čerenkov. Ceramics: New ‘designer’ materials. Much progress in recent years: ANL lunchtime seminar. 12
LSO/LYSO ANL lunchtime seminar. 13 See talk by Renyuan Zhu at this meeting Stable band edge after p/cm 2 Less damage than PbWO 4
Ceramics ANL lunchtime seminar. 14
Photodetectors Considerable progress in recent years in silicon APDs – now a mature technology. Geiger Mode APD’s – SiPMs. Low fab cost. Several industrial manufacturers. High gain and low amplification noise. Rad hard ~10 13 n/cm 2. Other materials. GaAs APDs High bandgap APDs - SiC, GaN, AlGaN. ANL lunchtime seminar. 15
GaAs Geiger-mode APD 16 First results from a GaAs SiPM photodetector Lightspin & UVA ANL lunchtime seminar.
High Bandgap APDs Attractive since the material is intrinsically more rad hard. Sensitive in the UV – solar blind. Considerable interest in this UV detection in many other areas of research. Astronomy Čerenkov detectors. Etc. For UV sensors see talk by Dave Hitlin yesterday from intensity frontier. ANL lunchtime seminar. 17
Silicon Carbide Bandgap of 4H-c SiC is 3.23 eV. High bandgap material used in making LEDs, now showing up more in semiconductor and nan0-technology industry. You can now buy JFETs and MOSFETs in SiC. MOSFETs have been tested to 7.5 × neutrons/cm 2 and were operational. Significant degradation at n/cm 2 seen by RD50. Many interesting detector development possibilities. 18 ANL lunchtime seminar.
4H-SiC PIN480 Avalanche Photodiode: Recessed Window PECVD + Thermal SiO 2 SiO 2 n : + substrate n: 2000 nm, 4.5x10 18 cm -3 p: 200 nm, 2x10 18 cm - 3 p : 480 nm, - 1x10 16 cm - -3 p+:p+:p+:p+:200 nm, 1x10 nm, 1x10 19 cm -3 p-contact(Ni/Ti/Al/Au) n-contact(Ni/Ti/Al/Au) Thickness of p + : ~ 35 nm AR Coating (2300 Å) Joe Campbell – Electrical Engineering – University of Virginia
Quantum Efficiency 20 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Calorimeter Pileup Mitigation 21 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Precision Calorimeter Timing For a luminous region distributed over ~ 10cm, collisions will be distributed over ~ 300ps The TOF at the Calorimeter at ~ 0 depends on the time of the specific collision At Larger values of the TOF depends both on the time and position of the specific collision 22 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Calorimeter Pileup Mitigation Consider (for example) an EM pre-shower with 10~20ps TOF resolution for MIP’s and Tracking identifies Z location of interesting collision TOF of charged particles from that collision identifies time of interesting collision Use Z location and time to select calorimeter clusters associated to interesting collision Could result in similar effective pile-up as we have now. 23 ANL lunchtime seminar.
Timing in Calorimeter ANL lunchtime seminar. 24
4D Calorimeters ANL lunchtime seminar. 25 Can we make 4-D calorimeters in a high radaition environment?
How? Various methods for this are being considered. Fast crystal preshower. Čerenkov detector. Timing layer at shower maximum in EM calorimeter. Direct measurement with SiPMs. ANL lunchtime seminar. 26
Summary New sensor and photodetector technologies will be needed for the ambitious goals of the HL- LHC. The time is soon to select out a few of the most promising ideas and invest in their develop them. My bias is to invest where there are multiple gains inside and outside HEP. 27 ANL lunchtime seminar.