Unification Italy and Germany
Nationalism ► Nationalism - Loyalty to a nation rather than to its ruler Peoples’ national identity People share common language, religion, & culture
Nationalism ► 1848 Revolutions - poor and working-class people revolt all over Europe (except England / Russia) Revolutions are unsuccessful, but fuel Nationalism
Italy ► Pre-unification: Northern Italy ruled by Austria Southern Italy ruled by Spanish kings
Italy ► Count Camillo di Cavour - Prime Minister of Piedmont (part of the Kingdom of Sardinia, under King Victor Emmanuel II)
Italy Allies with France to drive Austrians out of Northern Italy Funds Garibaldi's rebels in Southern Italy Threatens the stability of the papal states in central Italy
Count Cavour
Italy ► Giuseppe Garibaldi - led Italian nationalist army called “Red Shirts” Captures Sicily and unites Southern Italy Adds land he conquers to Sardinia
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Italy ► Joint Italian army conquers Papal States (last to be added) Rome becomes capital (1871) Church keeps Vatican City
Italy ► Italy is unified and Rome becomes its official capital in ► Victor Emmanuel II is the first official king of all of Italy.
Italy ► Problems after unification: Different ways of life ► Northern Italy – Industrial ► Southern Italy – Agricultural Different dialects of Italian Economic problems
Germany ► Pre - Unification: German Confederation dominated by Prussia under Kaiser Wilhelm I Prussia - all German, strong army, industrialized
Germany ► Otto von Bismarck - Prime Minister of Prussia “Realpolitik” – Bismarck’s philosophy that politics should exist without ideology “Blood and Iron“ – Bismark would not hesitate to use war to unite Germany and make it more powerful
Otto von Bismarck
Steps of German Unification 1. Austro-Prussian War Prussia takes territory from Austria and unifies Northern Germany
Steps of German Unification 2. Franco-Prussian War (1870 – 1871) Bismarck faked a telegram between Wilhelm and Napoleon III of France to start a war German kingdoms unite against France
Germany Prussian army lays siege to Paris and defeated the French Treaty of Frankfurt ended the war.
Germany The French were forced to give up the disputed territory of Alsace – Lorraine (had large amounts of coal and iron ore) and pay a large penalty to the Germans After the war, the German Empire is officially declared ► Bismarck – Chancellor of Germany
Otto von Bismarck
Effects of Unification ► With Italy and Germany’s rise to power, Europe’s “Balance of Power” is destroyed ► Both countries turned their attention to expanding empires in Asia and Africa