Christian Jacquier ILO/Geneva
Origin of the SPF concept (ILC 2001, WCESS 2003) World Com on the social dimension of Globalization 2007 One the 9 UN priorities in April 2009
3 La campagne du BIT pour l’extension de la couverture à tous "The Social Protection Floor Initiative is a UN system-wide effort to promote common priorities and solutions, to ensure basic social guarantees for all" Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General Message on the World Day of Social Justice, 20 February 2010 Message on the World Day of Social Justice "The world does not lack the resources to abolish poverty, It only lacks the right priorities” Juan Somavia, ILO Director-General Lead agencies Cooperating agencies FAO, IMF, UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNDESA, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNODC, OHCHR, UN Regional Commissions, UNRWA, WFP, WMO, World Bank and development partners
The Social Protection Floor Advisory Group Chairperson H.E. Ms Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile ( ), Minister of Defense ( ) and Minister of Health ( ). Members Mr Aurelio Fernández, Chair of the European Union Social Protection Committee Mr Aurelio Fernández Mr Ebrahim Patel, Minister of Economic Development of South Africa, Ms Eveline Herfkens, Founder of the MDGs Campaign, Executive Coordinator for the MDGs Campaign ( ), Minister of Development Cooperation of the Netherlands ( ) Ms Eveline Herfkens Mr Kemal Derviş, Vice-Chair of the Brookings Institution (since 2009), Administrator of the UNDP ( ) and Minister for Economic Affairs of Turkey ( ) Mr Kemal Derviş Ms Margaret Wilson, Professor of Law and Public Policy, University of Waikato (New Zealand), Minister of Labour ( ). Ms Margaret Wilson Mr Martin Hirsch, Former High Commissioner for Active Solidarities against Poverty and for Young People of France (since 2010), former President of Emmaüs ( ). Ms Sudha Pillai, Secretary of the Planning Commission of India (since 2007), former Secretary of Labour and Employment. Ex-officio members Mr Juan Somavía, Director-General of the ILO Mr Juan Somavía Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the WHO Dr Margaret Chan
HEALTH: China (urban & rural), India (RSBY), Thailand (UCS), Mexico (Seguro popular), Colombia (regimen subsidiado), Uruguay, Chile (plan AUGE), Burkina Faso, Rwanda … CCTs: Brazil (Bolsa Familia), Mexico (Oportunidades) Employment guarantee schemes: India (NREGA), Uruguay (Política de empleo promovido), Argentina (Plan jefes y jefas de familias) Social pensions: Brazil, South Africa, Bolivia (pension dignidad), Chile (pension basica solidaria), Thailand (500 Bath scheme), China (rural old age pension)… The SPF is affordable and feasible Elements of the SPF already exist in many developing countries (85) Comprehens ive SPF: Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Uruguay
SPF and G20 G20 Seoul (2010) G20 Paris (2011) G20 Mexico (2012) SPF as one of priorities for both the employment and Development clusters
French presidency confirmed SPF as a top priority Ask the ILO to support the G20 in this field Preparation of national SPF country profiles Organization of national and/or regional consultations on SPF Discussing the SPF in the framework of the recurrent item on SP during the ILC in June 2011 Preparing the Bachelet SPF global report Preparing with UNDP a report on SP for the development group
Agenda SPF/G Development group: Paris(March), Captown (June), Paris (September) SPF advisory group meeting in Geneva in March Brasilia regional and national Consultation May 10 The Brasilia declaration Country profiles for Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and France Consultation with South Africa (May) Consultation with Indonesia in Jakarta (May) ILC in June in Geneva G20 sherpas and Employment Ministers meetings during ILC Regional consultation with Asia in Indonesia Publication of the Bachelet report in Paris in september Employment ministerial meeting in Paris in September G20 summit in Cannes (November)