Public Consulting Group - PCG Education Helping Florida Charter Schools Successfully Transition to the Florida Standards 1
Increase rigor in core and intervention instruction Improve student proficiency on grade level outcomes Graduate all students ready for college and careers Goals of K–12 Florida Standards 2
“A higher bar for students means a higher bar for our schools, which will have to make changes in how they approach teaching and learning.” The Challenge of Change 3 Implementation of the Common Core State Standards: A Transition Guide for School-level Leaders (2013)
What is needed to implement the Florida Standards? Alignment of: 4 Instructional Curriculum and Materials Assessments Instructional Practices Data Collection and Use Resources, Procedures, Student Supports Professional Development
1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction 2. Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language Three Instructional Shifts for FS-ELA & Literacy 5
Increase of multiple forms of non-fiction and a variety of resources Students building background knowledge through reading deep and reading wide Gradual decline of pre-teaching Cold reads and multiple reads Text worthy of reading and text sets (not just text books) Shift 1 Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction: What will you see in schools? 6
Shift 2 Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text: What will you see in schools? Close reading, students coding of the text, essential questions, and text-dependent questions Academic vocabulary and language Discussion, debates, and student quoting or paraphrasing from multiple texts Persuasive speeches Writing and project-based activities Formative assessment Collaboration Reading, writing, speaking and listening all in a lesson 7
Increased levels of text complexity Multiple resources Interactive world walls and vocabulary logs Students discussing words in relation to previous knowledge, in variety of texts, digital media, and word morphology (root words, affixes) Rich word choice and academic language used in student writing and speech. Questions around vocabulary and specific language in the text Shift 3 Regular practice with complex text and its academic language: What will you see in schools? 8
Assess proficiency on the Florida Standards Determine college and career readiness Provide data for accountability, including measures of growth Affirm aligned quality instruction The Florida Standards Assessments 9
10 How to Design Instruction Around the Standards, the Instructional Shifts, and Essential Questions How to Support Students in Close Reading of Complex Text, Academic Language, and Text- based Discussion How to Support Students in Research and Writing on Demand with Evidence from Multiple Sources How to Create Aligned Units, Lessons and Assessments; and Teach it all with Rigor How to Support Students in the Math Practice and Content Standards Staff need to know…
E- Learning Opportunities 11
12 Learning Courses Available on CPALMS Charter Web- Based Courses Located on CPALMS Charter Over 40 courses available for Elementary K-5 Secondary 6-12 Each course takes up to 3 hours to complete Optional Onsite Follow Up Customized Face-to-face professional development Work with teams with coaching and technical assistance
Coaching Sessions May Include: Professional Development Webinars Follow UpAction Planning Classroom Walkthroughs Session Availability:PD DaysEarly ReleaseAfter SchoolSaturday Sessions On-Site Coaching Options 13 28
1.Teachers ELA/Disciplinary Literacy ELA Foundations K–5 Mathematics Assessment and Data Use 2.Administrators Using Data Florida Assessments 3.Leadership Teams Gap Analysis Implementation Planning 4.Diverse Populations ELL and SwD, Math and English Struggling Readers Courses for: 14
EXCELLENT!! Very informative! This was a great course. Thank you for this opportunity. It is very beneficial to charter schools. The self-assessments and all handouts are all great tools! Thanks for creating great courses that we can complete on our on time. I love this online course. I will definitely utilize what I learned from this course in my classroom. I really feel better equipped to help me students with the new shifts in Florida Standards and CCR. In general the course was very informative and will help me tremendously take action in the classroom to increase student achievement. It was great! Thanks! I would just like to thank you for all your information provided because it will certainly come in handy with my future teaching strategies. Very practical course! I took lots of notes and will incorporate into my teaching practices next year This is a really good tool for teacher in our Professional Development, necessary for teaching more effectively. This course was very useful. Face to face will enforce the importance of each standard. I found the resources provided were very enlightening and motivating. I feel empowered to work collectively with my team in data analysis. Very good course with a lot of information. Helped me get a better understanding of the Florida Standards. Over 3,000 Florida Educators - E-learning Modules Testimonials 15
Testimonials… 16 “Many of our principals felt that the presentations this school year were among the best they had attended. Our principals have requested that PCG continue to train at our district meetings for this upcoming school year.” “I would like to thank PCG for an amazing training experience…utilizing what is available for our teachers and gave our teachers guidance and best practices focusing on the Florida standards.” “The partnership our school has formed with PCG has a direct influence on our administrators' ability to lead effectively, our teachers' ability to perfect their craft and our students' academic achievement. We are grateful for the opportunity we have had to work with true professionals and look forward to a lasting relationship that will lead to creating a culture of learning and cooperation within our community.”
How to Access Courses CPALMSHow to Access Courses CPALMS Charter 17
21 Click Course Title Click Add to My Program. Course will appear in your iCPALMS
Debra Berlin Dr. Evan Lefsky PCG Florida Facilitators 22 Julie McEachin
How can you learn more? Contact: Debra Berlin