+ Static Electricity
+ Problems with static electricity In nature lightning is a big problem with static electricity. Since it has a very high voltage being struck by it can kill a person. Another reason lightning is dangerous is because if it hits any electrical building or a place with a lot of wires it can be extremely destructive and even cause massive explosions. If there is a static electrical charge in a room full of gas or explosives one charge is all it really need to set the entire room off. Static electricity can also ruin and corrupt microchips and motherboards in computers. In NatureIn Society
+ Examples of Static Electricity Natural and Man Made
+ Photocopying Photocopy machines use static electricity to attract the ink to the darker areas of a sheet of paper. It makes it so the ink only attracted the darker parts of the piece of paper by using a process called xerography.
+ Car Paint To make sure the paint that people use on their cars is strong enough to withstand the high speeds it can go it is charged with static electricity. It also help protect the cars metal exterior, which is charged positively and the paint that is used on the car is charged negatively so that there is static electricity between them.
+ Dust Filter Some appliances are able to eliminate dust particles from the air, just like in air purifiers. They use static electricity to alter the charge in the dust in the air so it sticks to a filter or plate with the opposite charge of the dust.
+ Pollution Control Electrostatic precipitators help with pollution control by collecting the charged dirt particles on a plate. The plate has the opposite charge of the dirt so static electricity is at work and helps with the attraction. Those electrostatic precipitators are used mainly inside smokestacks to stop the pollution from entering the atmosphere.
+ Lightning The top of a storm cloud contains excess positive charge where as the bottom of a storm cloud contains excess negative charge. Those charges were separated by frictional charging. The tops of houses are also positively charged like the top of a storm cloud. So when it is close enough and has enough electrical charge it releases a bolt of lightning.
+ Uses of Static Electricity
+ Rubbing Socks against a Carpet If you rub socks on a carpet you get charged with static electricity because the electrons get exchanged between your socks and the carpet. So that is how people can shock each other by only touching if they rub their socks on the carpet.
+ Balloons on your hair then the wall If you rub balloons on your head then your hair will exchange electron with the balloon thus making them stand on end. So in the end the balloon becomes negatively charged so if you stick it on a wall for instance it will stick because the opposite electrons attract.
+ Charged Comb with Water First you must rub a comb against a surface and make it negatively charged. Then open a tap and allow the water to gently keep running. After that put the comb near the water. If the comb was charged properly and has static electricity in it you should see the water repel and change paths when the comb comes near. It does this because they are both negatively charged.
+ Bibliography "Fansis Fan Dust Filter - Acoustic PC." Fansis Fan Dust Filter - Acoustic PC. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan "Uses of Static Electricity." HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan "Lightning." Lightning. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan "What Problems Does Static Electricity Cause?" WikiAnswers. Answers, n.d. Web. 13 Jan TLC. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan