The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world.
Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture.
The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture.
The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture. Many claim Jesus never addressed the topic of homosexuality. Many claim Jesus never addressed the topic of homosexuality.
“Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things – he never said that gay people should be condemned. I personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies” (
The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture. Many claim Jesus never addressed the topic of homosexuality. Many claim Jesus never addressed the topic of homosexuality.
The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. The words of Jesus are the most important words in the history of the world. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture. Homosexual behavior is becoming more popular & more widely accepted in our culture. Many claim Jesus never addressed the topic of homosexuality. Many claim Jesus never addressed the topic of homosexuality. Did Jesus address homosexuality in His teaching? Did Jesus address homosexuality in His teaching?
Jesus Affirmed The Teaching Of The Old Testament Law
Jesus Excluded Homosexual Relationships From God’s Plan For Man
Jesus Confirmed God’s Judgments Against Those Practicing Homosexuality
Jesus Condemned Sexual Immorality
“Fornications” (Gr. Porneia) Porneia is defined as “illicit sexual intercourse in general” (J.H. Thayer, Greek- English Lexicon, 532), and may be applied to any sexual relationship other than Scriptural marriage, including adultery, homosexuality, and lesbianism (Strong’s Data, Bibleworks, 4.0).
Jesus Condemned Sexual Immorality
Jesus Addressed Homosexuality Through His Spokesmen
1.Jesus Affirmed The Teaching Of The Old Testament Law. 2.Jesus Excluded Homosexual Relationships From God’s Plan For Man. 3.Jesus Condemned Sexual Immorality. 4.Jesus Confirmed God’s Judgments Against Those Practicing Homosexuality. 5.Jesus Addressed Homosexuality Through His Spokesmen.
Jesus condemned all sin, including homosexuality!!!