Ecological Map
Child's profile Child ’ s name: Chiara Dupont Child ’ s name: Chiara Dupont Date of birth 19/03/2006 Date of birth 19/03/2006 Age:3 years old Age:3 years old Nationality: Australian Nationality: Australian information information Cultural background of the family members Cultural background of the family members Chiara's mother was born in Australia.Chiara ’ s father was born in France. Mum is a teacher and Dad is a managing director. Family lives in a house in Bondi. Chiara's mother was born in Australia.Chiara ’ s father was born in France. Mum is a teacher and Dad is a managing director. Family lives in a house in Bondi. Languages spoken at home Languages spoken at home Mum speaks English. Dad speaks English and French.Chiara speaks English and French equally. Mum speaks English. Dad speaks English and French.Chiara speaks English and French equally. Family members living at home Family members living at home Younger brother Max – 21/12/2007 (1 year old)- Younger brother Max – 21/12/2007 (1 year old)- Both parents live in the same household. Family has a live in nanny since parents work full time. Children attend Long Day care Centre Wednesdays and Fridays. Both parents live in the same household. Family has a live in nanny since parents work full time. Children attend Long Day care Centre Wednesdays and Fridays. Special needs: Asthma Special needs: Asthma
Bronfenbrenner`s Ecological System The Microsystem- the immediate environment or settings in which the child lives. These could include the child`s family, home and care setting. The Microsystem- the immediate environment or settings in which the child lives. These could include the child`s family, home and care setting. The Mesosystem-decribes the relationships or connections between the microsystem settings in which children can be found. These could include relationships between parents and childcare or parents and a support group. The Mesosystem-decribes the relationships or connections between the microsystem settings in which children can be found. These could include relationships between parents and childcare or parents and a support group. The Exosystem- describes settings in which child does not take part directly. This usually involves their workplace of the parents type of employment or working hours. The Exosystem- describes settings in which child does not take part directly. This usually involves their workplace of the parents type of employment or working hours. The Macrosystem-represents society and culture the child was born in together with its customs and values. The Macrosystem-represents society and culture the child was born in together with its customs and values.
Ecological Map Chiara 3 years old Microsystem Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem
Microsystem Chiara Dupont 3 years old Microsystem Max Nanny Childcare Friends Playgroup Swimming lessons Macrosystem Exosystem Mesosystem Parents
Mesosystem Microsystem Mesosystem Chiara Exosystem Macrosystem Family Nanny Childcare
Exosystem Microsystem Chiara Mesosystem Exosystem Extended Family Workplace Media Asthma Foundation Australian Government Neighbourhood French Government Macrosystem
Macrosystem Microsystem Chiara Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem French CustomsAustralian Customs Values Beliefs Culture Laws
Statistics ItemChiara General population GenderFemale 49% Place of birth Overseas 5,8% Residence area Sydney- Major City 69,4% Family structure Couple Family 72,1% Children out of home care Attends childcare twice a week 22,8% Special Needs Asthma11,4% Labour Status of Parents Both parents working 43,3%
Reference List Nixon,D& Gould,K (1996). Emerging Child Development in the First Three Years.Thomson Social Science Press Nixon,D& Gould,K (1996). Emerging Child Development in the First Three Years.Thomson Social Science Press The Microsoft Office ClipArt, available at The Microsoft Office ClipArt, available at Retrieved on A Picture of Australia's Children. (May 2005). Australian Institute of Health and Welfare also available at Australian Bureau of Statistics (Web site) available at Accessed on